Найдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сеть

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Перевод числа в двоичную систему за два шага!!!

Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2

intricate [‘mtnkit] — сложный, запутанный, electronic circuit [sbkt’romk ‘sa:kit] — электронная цепь, схема

to operate switches [ops’reit ‘switfiz] — приводить в дей­ствие переключатели

to store numbers [‘sto: ‘плтЬзг] — запоминать числа

13 Unit 1. Information-Dependent Society

Найдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сетьto manipulate [ms’nipjuleit] — управлять; обращаться; преобразовывать

to input / to feed in — вводить (информацию)

to turn on = to switch on — включать

to turn off = to switch off— выключать

to process data [prou’ses ‘delta] — обрабатывать данные

to supply [sa’plai] — подавать, вводить, снабжать, обес­печивать

addition [s’difn] — сложение

subtraction [sAb’trajkJh] — вычитание

division [di’vrjn] —деление

multiplication [‘тлИгрп’кег/п] — умножение

exponentiation [eksps’nenji’eijn] — возведение в степень

user [‘juzs] — пользователь

input device [‘input di’vais] — устройство ввода

disk drive [‘disk ‘draiv] — дисковое запоминающее уст­ройство, дисковод

tape drive [‘teip ‘draiv] — запоминающее устройство на магнитной ленте

cathode-ray tube [‘kseOsd rei 4ju:b] — электроннолучевая трубка

to make decisions — принимать решения

instantaneously [jnstan’teinjssli] — мгновенно, немедлен­но

Прочтите текст 2 и скажите, что такое компьютер и каковы его основные функции.


A computer is a machine with an intricate network of elec­tronic circuits that operate switches or magnetize tiny metal cores. The switches, like the cores, are capable of being in one or two possible states, that is, on or off; magnetized or demag­netized. The machine is capable of storing and manipulating numbers, letters, and characters (symbols).

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 14

Найдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сетьThe basic idea of a computer is that we can make the ma­chine do what we want by inputting signals that turn certain switches on and turn others off, or magnetize or do not magne­tize the cores.

The basic job of computers is processing of information. For this reason computers can be defined as devices which accept information in the form of instructions, called a program, and characters, called data, perform mathematical and / or logical operations on the information, and then supply results of these operations. The program, or part of it, which tells the comput­ers what to do and the data, which provide the information needed to solve the problem, are kept inside the computer in a place called memory.

It is considered that computers have many remarkable pow­ers. However most computers, whether large or small, have three basic capabilities.

First, computers have circuits for performing arithmetic op­erations, such as: addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and exponentiation.

Second, computers have a means of communicating with the user. After all, if we couldn’t feed information in and get results back, these machines wouldn’t be of much use. Some of the most common methods of inputting information are to use ter­minals, diskettes, disks and magnetic tapes. The computer’s input device (a disk drive or tape drive) reads the information into the computer. For outputting information two common devices used are: a printer, printing the new information on paper, and a cathode-ray-tube display, which shows the results on a TV-like screen.

Third, computers have circuits which can make decisions. The kinds of decisions which computer circuits can make are not of the type: «Who would win the war between two coun­tries?» or «Who is the richest person in the world?» Unfortu­nately, the computer can only decide three things, namely: Is one number less than another? Are two numbers equal? and, Is one number greater than another?

A computer can solve a series of problems and make thou­sands of logical decisions without becoming tired. It can find the solution to a problem in a fraction of the time it takes a human being to do the job.

15 Unit 1. Information-Dependent Society

Найдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сетьA computer can replace people in dull, routine tasks, but it works according to the instructions given to it. There are times when a computer seems to operate like a mechanical ‘brain’, but its achievements are limited by the minds of human beings. A computer cannot do anything unless a person tells it what to do and gives it the necessary information; but because electric pulses can move at the speed of light, a computer can carry out great numbers of arithmetic-logical operations almost instan­taneously. A person can do the same, but in many cases that person would be dead long before the job was finished.

8. Переведите текст. Ответьте на вопросы, используя ин­

1. What is a computer? 2. What are the two possible states of the switches? 3. What are the main functions of a computer? 4. In what way can we make the computer do what we want? 5. What is the basic task of a computer? 6. In what form does a computer accept information? 7. What is a program? 8. What are data? 9. What is memory? 10. What three basic capabilities have computers? 11. What are the ways of inputting informa­tion into the computer? 12. What is the function of an input device? 13. What devices are used for outputting information? 14. What decisions can the computer make? 15. What are the computer’s achievements limited by?

Найдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сеть

9. Найдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих

Сложная сеть электронных цепей; управлять (приво­дить в действие) переключателями; возможные состояния; хранить (запоминать) числа; обрабатывать символы; по­средством ввода сигналов; включать; выключать; размаг­ничивать сердечники; обработка информации; информа­ция в виде команд; символы, называемые данными; выполнять математические операции; выдавать результа­ты; обеспечивать необходимую информацию; иметь заме­чательные возможности; основные свойства; сложение, вычитание, деление, умножение; возведение в степень; средства для общения с пользователем; устройство ввода; дисковод; считывать информацию; вывод информации; катоднолучевая трубка; принимать решения; выполнять тысячи логических операций; без устали; находить реше-

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 16

Найдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сетьние задачи; значительно меньший промежуток времени; человек; нудная рутинная работа; в соответствии с введен­ной программой; вырабатывать свои суждения; возможно­сти ограничены программой, заложенной в него челове­ком; дать требуемую информацию; электрические импульсы; со скоростью света; мгновенно производить огромное количество математических операций; человеку может не хватить всей жизни, чтобы закончить работу.

10. Составьте пары или группыблизких позначению слов
из перечня, приведенного ниже.

Например: A. to perform, to exercise, to carry out; B. a man, a person, a human being;

Verbs: to turn on, to provide, to type, to accept, to help, to learn, to observe, to call, to tell, to keep, to feed, to solve, to relate, to switch off, to communicate, to receive, to supply, to switch on, to assist, to print, to study, to input, to turn off, to decide, to store, to say, to name, to watch.

Nouns: work, machine, fundamentals, display, application, capabilities, job, storage, screen, state, basics, use, concept, specialist, journal, character, memory, idea, expert, magazine, position, symbol, command, data, solution, device, instruction, powers, information, decision.

Adjectives: basic, tiny, common, small, main, significant, routine, general, remarkable, uninterested, intricate, important, wonderful, complex, little.

Adverbs: rapidly, probably, instantaneously, in a moment, quickly, perhaps.

Выполните письменный перевод текста 3 по вариантам.


1.At present a great deal of the work force of most coun­tries is engaged in creating, processing, storing, communicat­ing and just working with information. Computers have become commonplace in homes, offices, stores, schools, research insti­tutes, plants.

The use of computers in business, industry and communi­cation services is widespread today. Computer-controlled robots are able to improve the quality of manufactured products and

17 Unit 1. Information-Dependent Society

Найдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сетьto increase the productivity of industry. Computers can control the work of power stations, plants and docks. They help in mak­ing different decisions and in management of economy.

The work of banks depends upon computer terminals for millions of daily operations. Without these terminals, records of deposits and withdrawals would be difficult to maintain, and it would be impossible to make inquiries about the current sta­tus of customer accounts.

Computers form a part of many military systems including communication and fire control. They are applied for automatic piloting and automatic navigation. Space exploration depends on computers for guidance, on-board environment and re­search.

2. Computers find application in astronomy and upper at­mosphere research. Weather forecasting, library information services can benefit from computers too.

It is interesting to note that computers are widely used in medicine. They became valuable medical diagnostic tools. Computers are used for optical scanning and image processing, ranging from pattern recognition to image processing. Techni­cians can operate computer tomography scanners which com­bine x-rays with computer technology to give sectional views of the body of patients. The views then can be combined into a single image shown on the screen.

It should be noticed that learning on a computer can be fun. Students spend more time with computer-aided instruction per­forming the assigned task, as compared with conventional class­room.

At last air traffic control is impossible without computer ap­plication. It fully depends upon computer-generated informa­tion.

Many other uses of computers that we cannot imagine at present will become commonplace in the transition from an industrial to post industrial, or information society.

to maintain records — вести учет

deposits and withdrawal — вклады и изъятие (выемка)

guidance — наведение (на цель); управление; руковод­ство

Видео:Если сможете перевести все слова, то у вас уровень A1Скачать

Если сможете перевести все слова, то у вас уровень A1

Пособие рассчитано на учащихся средних школ, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей и студентов высших учебных заведе­ний всех, кто интересуется английским языком и увлека­ется компьютером. Удк 811. 111(07) ббк81. 2Англ-9

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1. What is a computer? 2. What are the two possible states of the switches? 3. What are the main functions of a computer? 4. In what way can we make the computer do what we want? 5. What is the basic task of a computer? 6. In what form does a computer accept information? 7. What is a program? 8. What are data? 9. What is memory? 10. What three basic capabilities have computers? 11. What are the ways of inputting informa­tion into the computer? 12. What is the function of an input device? 13. What devices are used for outputting information? 14. What decisions can the computer make? 15. What are the computer’s achievements limited by?

9. Найдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих

Сложная сеть электронных цепей; управлять (приво­дить в действие) переключателями; возможные состояния; хранить (запоминать) числа; обрабатывать символы; по­средством ввода сигналов; включать; выключать; размаг­ничивать сердечники; обработка информации; информа­ция в виде команд; символы, называемые данными; выполнять математические операции; выдавать результа­ты; обеспечивать необходимую информацию; иметь заме­чательные возможности; основные свойства; сложение, вычитание, деление, умножение; возведение в степень; средства для общения с пользователем; устройство ввода; дисковод; считывать информацию; вывод информации; катоднолучевая трубка; принимать решения; выполнять тысячи логических операций; без устали; находить реше-

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 16

нНайдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сетьие задачи; значительно меньший промежуток времени; человек; нудная рутинная работа; в соответствии с введен­ной программой; вырабатывать свои суждения; возможно­сти ограничены программой, заложенной в него челове­ком; дать требуемую информацию; электрические импульсы; со скоростью света; мгновенно производить огромное количество математических операций; человеку может не хватить всей жизни, чтобы закончить работу.

10. Составьте пары или группы близких по значению слов
из перечня, приведенного ниже.

Например : A. to perform, to exercise, to carry out; B. a man, a person, a human being;

Verbs: to turn on, to provide, to type, to accept, to help, to learn, to observe, to call, to tell, to keep, to feed, to solve, to relate, to switch off, to communicate, to receive, to supply, to switch on, to assist, to print, to study, to input, to turn off, to decide, to store, to say, to name, to watch.

Nouns: work, machine, fundamentals, display, application, capabilities, job, storage, screen, state, basics, use, concept, specialist, journal, character, memory, idea, expert, magazine, position, symbol, command, data, solution, device, instruction, powers, information, decision.

Adjectives: basic, tiny, common, small, main, significant, routine, general, remarkable, uninterested, intricate, important, wonderful, complex, little.

Adverbs: rapidly, probably, instantaneously, in a moment, quickly, perhaps.

11. Выполните письменный перевод текста 3 по вариантам.


1. At present a great deal of the work force of most coun­tries is engaged in creating, processing, storing, communicat­ing and just working with information. Computers have become commonplace in homes, offices, stores, schools, research insti­tutes, plants.

The use of computers in business, industry and communi­cation services is widespread today. Computer-controlled robots are able to improve the quality of manufactured products and

17 Unit 1. Information-Dependent Society

tНайдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сетьo increase the productivity of industry. Computers can control the work of power stations, plants and docks. They help in mak­ing different decisions and in management of economy.

The work of banks depends upon computer terminals for millions of daily operations. Without these terminals, records of deposits and withdrawals would be difficult to maintain, and it would be impossible to make inquiries about the current sta­tus of customer accounts.

Computers form a part of many military systems including communication and fire control. They are applied for automatic piloting and automatic navigation. Space exploration depends on computers for guidance, on-board environment and re­search.

2. Computers find application in astronomy and upper at­mosphere research. Weather forecasting, library information services can benefit from computers too.

It is interesting to note that computers are widely used in medicine. They became valuable medical diagnostic tools. Computers are used for optical scanning and image processing, ranging from pattern recognition to image processing. Techni­cians can operate computer tomography scanners which com­bine x-rays with computer technology to give sectional views of the body of patients. The views then can be combined into a single image shown on the screen.

It should be noticed that learning on a computer can be fun. Students spend more time with computer-aided instruction per­forming the assigned task, as compared with conventional class­room.

At last air traffic control is impossible without computer ap­plication. It fully depends upon computer-generated informa­tion.

Many other uses of computers that we cannot imagine at present will become commonplace in the transition from an industrial to post industrial, or information society.

to maintain records — вести учет

deposits and withdrawal — вклады и изъятие (выемка)

guidance — наведение (на цель); управление; руковод­ство

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 18

oНайдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сетьn-board environment — бортовое окружение pattern recognition — распознавание образов

1. Выберите вариант, который лучше всего выражает глав­
ную идею текста 2.

a) Computers are devices that accept information in the form of instructions.

в) The switches are usualy in one of two states: magne­tized or demagnetized.

c) Computers are remarkable devices serving for process­ing and storage the information and for solving problems.

2. Вставьте необходимые слова вместо пропусков.

1. Information is given into the computer in the form of

aНайдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сеть) ideas; b) characters; c) rules

2. The basic function of a computer is information.

a) to switch; b) to keep; c) to process

3. The data needed for solving problems are kept in the

aНайдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сеть) memory; b) input device; c) output device

4. Inputting information into the computer is realized by
means of .

a) a printer; b) letters; c) diskettes

5. A computer can carry out arithmetic-logical operations

aНайдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сеть) quickly; b) instantaneously; c) during some minutes

6. Computers have become in homes, offices, research

a) commonwealth; b) commonplace; c) common room

7. Space uses computers widely.

a) information; b) production; c) exploration

8. Computers are used for image .

a) processing; b) operating; c) producing

9. Computers help in of economy.

a) invironment; b) management; c) government.

19 Unit 1. Information-Dependent Society

1Найдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сеть0. Air traffic control depends on computer- informa­
a) generated; b) instructed; c) combined

3. Подберите к терминам, данным в левой колонке, опре­деления, представленные справа.

1 . Computer a) a machine by which information is re-

ceived from the computer;

2. Data b) a device capable of storing and manip-

ulating numbers, letters and charac­ters;

3. Input device c) an electronic machine that processes

data under the control of a stored pro­gram;

4. Memory d) a disk drive reading the information

into the computer;

5. Output device e) information given in the form of char-

Найдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сеть


1Найдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сеть. Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 1.

applied physics — прикладная физика

generation [d33na’reijn] — создание, формирование, вы­работка

scientific research [saisn’tifik n’satj] — научные исследо­вания

due to the efforts [‘dju: ta дэ ‘efsts] — благодаря усилиям

manipulation [msenipju’leijn] — управление; обработка;

to replace vacuum tubes — заменять электронные лампы a piece of semiconductor [‘semiksn’dAkts] — полупровод­никовый кристалл

reduced weight [ri’dju:st ‘weit] — уменьшенный вес power consumption [‘раиэ kan’sAmpJn] — потребление

to carry out [‘keen aut] — выполнять; осуществлять solid body — твердое тело; кристалл; полупроводник to respond [n’spond] — отвечать; реагировать at a rate — со скоростью integrated circuit (1С) [mts’greitid ‘sakit] — интегральная

batch processing [‘bsetf prou’sesirj] — пакетная обработка to assemble [s’sembl] — собирать; монтировать

to lower manufacturing [Чоиэ manju’fasktfanr)] — снизить производительность

to increase reliability [‘mkris nlais’bihti] — увеличить на­дежность

21 Unit 2. Development of Microelectronics

2Найдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сеть. Прочтите текст и скажите, что изучает электроника и какие открытия способствовали ее развитию.


Electronics is a field of engineering and applied physics deal­ing with the design and application of electronic circuits. The operation of circuits depends on the flow of electrons for gen­eration, transmission, reception and storage of information.

Today it is difficult to imagine our life without electronics. It surrounds us everywhere. Electronic devices ajre. widely used in scientific research and industrial designing, they control the work of plants and power stations, calculate the trajectories of space-ships and help the people discover new phenomena of nature. Automatization of production processes and studies on living organisms became possible due to electronics.

The invention of vacuum tubes at the beginning of the 20 th century was , the starting point of the rapid growth of modern electronics. Vacuum tubes assisted in manipulation of signals. The development of a large variety of tubes designed for spe­cialized functions made possible the progress in radio commu­nication technology before the World Vfar II and in the creation of early computers during and shortly after the war.

The transistor invented by American scientists WShockly, J.Bardeen and WBrattain in 1948 completely replaced the vac-

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 22

uНайдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сетьum tube. The transistor, a small piece of a semiconductor with three electrodes, had great advantages over the best vacuum tubes. It provided the same functions as the vacuum tube but at reduced weight, cost, power consumption, and with high reli­ability. With the invention of the transistor all essential circuit functions could be carried out inside solid bodies. The aim of creating electronic circuits with entirely solid-state components had finally been realized. Early transistors could respond at a rate of a few million times a second. This was fast enough to serve in radio circuits, but far below the speed needed for high­speed computers or for microwave communication systems.

The progress in semiconductor technology led to the devel­opment of the integrated circuit (1С), which was discovered due to the efforts of John Kilby in 1958. There appeared a new field of science — integrated electronics. The essence of it is batch processing. Instead of making, testing and assembling descrete components on a chip one at a time, large groupings of these components together with their interconnections were made all at a time. 1С greatly reduced the size of devices, lowered man­ufacturing costs and at the same time they provided high speed and increased reliability.

3. Просмотрите текст еще раз. Ответьте на вопросы, ис­
пользуя информацию текста.

1. What is electronics? 2, Can you imagine modern life with­out electronics? 3. Where are electronic devices used? 4. What was the beginning of electronics development? 5. What made the progress in radio communication technology possible? 6. What is the transistor? 7. When w?s the transistor invented?

What aim was realized with the invention of the transistor?

When were integrated circuits discovered? 10. What advan­
tages did the transistors have over the vacuum tubes?

4. Догадайтесь о значении следующих интернациональных

слов и словосочетаний:

Electronics; electrons; physics; information; microelectron­ics; industrial design; to calculate trajectories; phenomena of nature; automatization of production processes; organisms; vac­uum tubes; specialized functions; progress in radio communi­cation technology; transistor; electrode; components; to real-

23 Unit 2. Development of Microelectronics

iНайдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сетьze; communication system; technology; descrete components; chip.

5. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих

Прикладная физика; передача и прием информации; по­ток электронов; трудно представить; научные исследования; промышленное проектирование; вычислять траекторию кос­мических кораблей; обнаруживать явления природы; благо­даря электронике; отправная точка; способствовать управ­лению сигналами; быстрый рост; разнообразие ламп; создание первых компьютеров; полностью заменил; полу­проводниковый кристалл; уменьшить вес; сократить сто­имость; потребление электроэнергии; высокая надеж­ность; твердотельные компоненты; довольно быстро. но гораздо ниже; высокоскоростной компьютер; микроволно­вые системы связи; полупроводниковая технология; об­ласть науки; интегральная схема; пакетная обработка; сборка дискретных компонентов на кристалле; снизить производственные затраты; обеспечить высокую скорость.

6. Переведите следующие «цепочки существительных».
Запомните, что переводить ряд существительных, не
связанных предлогами, следует, как правило, с конца.

Power consumption; power consumption change; signals manipulation; transistor invention; circuit functions; commu­nication systems, data processing system; integrated circuits development; science field; process control; automatization pro­cesses control; circuit components; size reduction; electronics development; communication means; problem solution; space exploration; pattern recognition; customers accounts; air traf­fic control.

7. Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2.

performance [ps’focrnans] — рабочая характеристика; па­раметры; производительность; быстродействие

to predict [pra’dikt] — прогнозировать capability [keips’bihti] — способность; возможность branch of science [‘braintf sv ‘saisns] — область науки to embrace [imijreis] — охватывать

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 24

cНайдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сетьircuit assembly [‘sakit s’sembh] — сборка схемы

film technique [‘film tgk’mk] — пленочная технология

(метод, способ) invisible to unaided eye — невидимый невооруженному

to react [n’askt] — реагировать

speed of response — скорость реакции (отклика)

advantage / disadvantage [3d’va:ntid3] — достоинство, пре­имущество / недостаток

benefit [‘benefit] — выгода, польза; помогать, приносить пользу

to result from [п’глИ fram] — возникать, происходить в результате

packing density [‘psekirj ‘densiti]— плотность упаковки

small-scale integrated circuit — малая интегральная схе­ма (МИС)

medium-scale 1С — средняя интегральная схема (СИС) large-scale 1С — большая интегральная схема (БИС)

very-large-scale 1С — сверхбольшая интегральная схема (СБИС)

fineline [‘fainlam] — прецизионный; с элементами уменьшенных размеров

transmission line — линия передачи

waveguide [‘weivgaid] — волновод

to emerge [i’mad3] — появляться, возникать

to displace — перемещать, смещать

mode — вид, метод, способ; режим работы

pattern — шаблон, образец; образ, изображение

power [‘раиэ] — мощность, энергия, питание; произво­дительность, быстродействие; способность, возмож­ность

25 Unit 2. Development of Microelectronics

8Найдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сеть. Прочтите текст 2 и скажите, как вы понимаете терми­ны «микроэлектроника» и «микроминиатюризация». Переведите текст.


The intensive effort of electronics to increase the reliability and performance of its products while reducing their size and cost led to the results that hardly anyone could predict. The evolution of electronic technology js sometimes called a revo­lution: a quantitative change in technology gave rise to qualita­tive change in human capabilities. There appeared a new branch of science — microelectronics.

Microelectronics embraces electronics connected with the realization of electronic circuits, systems and subsystems from very small electronic devices. NJicxaelfifitrQnics jaLa-name ft* extremely small electronic components and circuit assemblies, made by film or semiconductor techniques. A microelectronic technology reduced transistors and other circuit elements to dimensions almost invisible to unaided eye. The point of this extraordinary miniaturization is to make circuits long-lasting, low in cost, and capable of performing electronic functions at extremely high speed. It is_ known that the speed of response depends on the size of transistor: the smaller the transistor, the faster it is. The smaller the computer, the faster it can work.

One more advantage of microelectronics is that smaller de­vices consume less power. In space satellites and spaceships this is a very important factor.

Another benefit resulting from microelectronics is the reduc­tion of distances between circuit components. Packing density increased with the appearance of small-scale integrated circuit, medium-scale 1С, large-scale 1С and very-large-scale 1С. The change in scale was pieasured_ by the number of transistors on a chip. There appeared a new type of integrated circuits, micro­wave integrated circuit. The evolution of microwave 1С began with the development of planar transmission lines.Then new 1С components in a fineline transmission line appeared. Other more exotic techniques, such as dielectric waveguide integrat­ed circuits emerged.

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 26

MНайдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сетьicroelectronic technique is continuing to displace other modes. Circuit patterns are being formed with radiation having wavelength shorter than those of light.

Electronics has extended man’s intellectual power. Micro­electronics extends that power still further.

9. Просмотрите текст еще раз и ответьте на вопросы, ис­
пользуя информацию текста.

1. What would you say about electronics? 2. Why is the de­velopment of electronics called a revolution? 3. What is micro­electronics? 4. What techniques does microelectronics use?

What is the benefit of reducing the size of circuit elements?

What do you understand by the term of microminiaturiza­
tion? 7. What does the speed of the signal response depend on?
8. What advantages of microelectronics do you know? 9. What
scales of integration are known to you? 10. How are microelec­
tronics techniques developing?

10. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих

Интенсивные усилия; увеличить надежность; увеличить параметры; уменьшить размер и стоимость; вряд ли кто-нибудь мог прогнозировать; количественные и качествен­ные изменения; область науки; пленочная технология; полупроводниковый метод; сокращать элементы схемы; суть миниатюризации в том, что; создать схемы с долгим сроком службы; чрезвычайно высокая скорость реакции; чем меньше, тем быстрее; преимущество; расходовать энергию; польза; уменьшение расстояния между элемен­тами схемы; большая интегральная схема; микроволновая интегральная схема; волновод; линия передач; смещать; изображение схем; расширять возможности человека.

11. Переведите следующие слова. Обратите внимание на
то, что префиксы dis -, in -, un — y поп-, *г- придают сло­
вам отрицательное значение.

dis -: disadvantage; disconnect; disappear, disclose; discom­fort; discontinue; discount; discredit; discriminate; disintegrate.

in -: invisible; inaccurate; inactive; incapable; incompact; insignificant; inhuman; informal; ineffective; indifferent; inde­cisive; inconsumable; incorrect.

27 Unit 2. Development of Microelectronics

иНайдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сетьл-; uncontrollable; unbelievable; unable; unchanged; un­comfortable; uncommunicative; undisciplined; unexpected; unfavourable; unforgettable; unkind.

поп -: non-effective; non-aggressive; noncomparable; non-computable; nonconstant; noncontrollable; nondigital; nondi-mensional; nonprogrammable; nonusable.

//•-; irregular; irrelative; irresponsive; irrational; irreplaceable; irrecognizable.

12. Вспомните образование страдательного залога — to be
(в нужном времени) + 3-я форма глагола.

А. Найдите пять случаев употребления страдательного залога в тексте 1 и четыре случая — в тексте 2. Переведи- те предложения.

Б. Преобразуйте следующие предложения действительно­ го залога в страдательный по образцу:

People widely use electronic devices — Electronic devices are widely used by people.

1. Electronic devices control the work of power stations. 2. They calculate the trajectories of spaceships. 3. People dis­cover new phenomena of nature due to electronic devices.

Scientists designed a variety of tubes for specialized functions.

American scientists invented the transistor in 1948. 6. Inte­
grated circuits greatly reduced the size of devices. 7. New types
of integrated circuits increased packing density. 8. Electronics
has extended man’s intellectual power. 9. Scientists are looking
for new ways for the improvement of integrated circuits tech­
nology. 10. Jack Kilby developed the concept of integrating de­
vice and built the first 1С in 1958.

13. Прочтите текст (по вариантам) и озаглавьте его. Вы­
полните письменный перевод текста по вариантам.

1. It is well known that the quick development of electron­ics began with the invention of transistors. They replaced elec­tronic tubes due to their numerous advantages. One of the main advantages of the transistors in comparison with the vacuum tube is absence of filament power loss. One of the principal caus-

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 28

eНайдите в тексте 2 английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний сложная сетьs of damages in electronic circuitry is high temperature. The heat causes breakdown of tubes and other circuit elements that are very sensitive to this influence. The transistor, on the other hand, does not heat its surroundings.

Another advantage of the transistor is its long life. The life of the average transistor is more than ten thousand operating hours. Because of its long lifetime and raggedness, the transis­tor is very reliable and has much better efficiency in professional equipment.

2. As we know, transistors replaced electronic tubes due to their numerous advantages. One of the advantages of the tran­sistor is its small dimensions. Because of their small size, the absence of heating and other properties, transistors make it pos­sible to produce compact, small-dimensioned electronic devices which consume very little power.

Видео:Text 2 The blind date (Topic 'Relations') 🇺🇸 Английский язык INTERMEDIATE (B1-B2)Скачать

Text 2 The blind date  (Topic 'Relations') 🇺🇸 Английский язык INTERMEDIATE (B1-B2)

Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты

Интенсивные усилия; увеличить надежность;

увеличить параметры; уменьшить размер и стоимость;

вряд ли кто-нибудь мог прогнозировать; количественные и

качественные изменения; отрасль науки; пленочная технология;

полупроводниковый метод, сокращать элементы

схемы; суть миниатюризации в том, что; создать схемы

с долгим сроком службы; чрезвычайно высокая

скорость реакции; чем меньше, тем быстрее; пользу;

тратить энергию; пользу; уменьшение расстояния между элементами схемы; большая интегральная схема;

микроволновая интегральная схема; волновод; линия

передач; смещать; изображение схем; расширять

The intensive effort of electronics to increase the

reliability and performance of its products while reducing

their size and cost led to the results that hardly anyone

could predict. The evolution of electronic technology js

sometimes called a revolution: a quantitative change in

technology gave rise to qualitative change in human

capabilities. There appeared a new branch of science —

Microelectronics embraces electronics connected with

the realization of electronic circuits, systems and

subsystems from very small electronic devices.

Microelectronics is a name for extremely small

electronic components and circuit assemblies, made by

film or semiconductor techniques. A microelectronic

technology reduced transistors and other circuit elements

to dimensions almost invisible to unaided eye.The point

of this extraordinary miniaturization is to make circuits

long — lasting, low in cost, and capable of performing

electronic functions at extremely high speed. It is known

that the speed of response depends on the size of

transistor: the smaller the transistor, the faster it is. The

smaller the computer, the faster it can work.

One more advantage of microelectronics is that smaller de

— vices consume less power. In space satellites and

spaceships this is a very important factor.

Another benefit resulting from microelectronics is the

reduction of distances between circuit components.

Packing density increased with the appearance of small —

scale integrated circuit, medium — scale IС, large — scale IС

and very — large — scale IС. The change in scale was

measured_by the number of transistors on a chip. There

appeared a new type of integrated circuits, microwave integrated circuit. The evolution of microwave IС began

with the development of planar transmission lines. Then

new IС components in a fineline transmission line

appeared. Other more exotic techniques, such as dielectric

waveguide integrated circuits emerged.

Microelectronic technique is continuing to displace

other modes. Circuit patterns are being formed with

radiation having wavelength shorter than those of light.

Electronics has extended man’s intellectual power.

Microelectronics extends that power still further.(Перевод слов не подойдет)

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