Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям работники кухни

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Уроки английского языка | Английский на кухне | EnglishDom

Методическое пособие «Моя профессия — повар»

Министерство образования и молодежной политики Ставропольского края ГБПОУ “Георгиевский технологический техникум”

по английскому языку по теме:

“Моя профессия — повар”

г. Георгиевск, 2015

Составитель: И.С. Агабекян, преподаватель английского языка.

Технический редактор: К.Р. Бастаджян

I. My profession is a cook.

II. My working day.

III. Restaurant and its stuff.

IV. The Working Day of the kitchen.

V. Traditions in Food in Britain.

VI. We eat outside.

VII. At the restaurant. At the café.

IX. At the Food Shop.

X. Methods of Cooking.

XII. Fast-food service.

XIII. At the college canteen.

XIV. Russian coisine.

XV . Список используемой литературы.

I . 1. Read and translate the text..


I study at the Cooking Department of the Moscow Colledge of Technologies and Desigh,so I will be a cooking and catering professional: a cook or a technologist. Every school year we do practice work for 2-3 months. This year our group have done their practice at the Golden Palace restaurant. This is a large restaurant, which is open 24 hours a day since it is the restaurant by the casino with the same name.

There are three departments within the main shop there-a cold shop, a hot shop and a pastry-cook’s shop. Salads, snacks, sandwiches, cuts of cold meat and fish and desserts are made in the cold shop. Soups, hot meat and fish dishes and sauces are prepared in the hot shop. In the pastry-cook’s shop they make tarts, patties, fancy cakes, etc.

The kitchen staff begins their work at 7 o’clock. We, student cooks had to come to the restaurant at 10 o’clock. Each of us was told to go to one of the shops. There we got a programme for the working day. Usually we prepared sandwiches, fruit salads and canapés for breakfast. We cut bread, ham, sausage and vegetables to put on canapés. We also decorated them with herbs and little figures made of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. Breakfast was served from 8 till 12.At 11 o’clock we began to help the cooks by preparing dishes for lunch. Student cooks were usually trusted to cut vegetables and make sauces for desserts: strudels, ice-cream, tarts and puddings.

All day we had to carry out cooks’ instructions. The kitchen staff are very experienced there. The chef is a very skilled cook too. He has worked many years as a cook in this and other restaurants. The main part of his job is to plan the menu for the day and manage the staff in the kitchen.

At the end of the practice time we had to take an examination. We had to prepare three courses: soup, a main course and dessert. l made Moscow borshch as soup, beef with sour cream and mushrooms as a main course and chocolate soufflé as dessert. Most of all I like to cook desserts. I made these in the shape of stars. Then put three stars of different sizes and colours on the plate and added some kiwi sauce near them on the plate. lt was very nice and tasty. This practice certainly gave us much information, and more importantly, valuable experience in preparing new dishes. I realized happily that I had made the right choice of profession.

To do practice- проходить практику . Cold shop- холодный цех .

Hot shop- горячий цех

Pastry-cook’s shop- кондитерский цех

To trust- доверять , поручать .

To carry out one’s instructions- выполнять чьи — либо инструкции

Skilled- умелый , опытный

To manage- руководить

To realize- понимать

To make the right choice- сделать правильный выбор .

3.Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям:

Работники кухни, украшать зеленью, поручить приготовить соус для десерта, очень опытный повар, планировать меню, в форме звездочек, ценный опыт.

l.What is your future profession?

2.Have you done practice this year?

3.Where have you done your practice?

4.In what shop did you work?

5.What dishes did you prepare?

6.When did you begin your work?

7.How many hours a day did you have to work?

8.When did the kitchen staff begin their work?

9.What kind of work did you do?

10.Was the chef a skilled cook?

1. I see. bread. Why haven’t you bought. Nick?-l had. time to do it. 2. Have. soup, Helen.-No, thank you. I had. soup at dinner. l don’t want. more.3.Were there. mistakes in your paper?-Yes, there were. 4.Will there be. concert after the meeting?-No, there won’t be. concert. 5.Why didn’t they give us. postcards to send?

II. 1. Read and translate the text.

My Working Day. The Day of the Student Who Wants to Be a Cook.

My every day activities are quite routine. They do not differ much from working days of students of our lyceum and any college. My working day begins at 7 o’clock in the morning when I get up. Usually I get up so quickly, move so energetically that I don’t need to do exercises. I switch on music and wash myself, clean my teeth, dress myself, comb my hair and listen to my favourite radio station » Hit FM». They transmits news, shows, pop music and songs. Then I have breakfast. For breakfast I 4 usually have toasted bread or..sandwich, corn flakes, tea or coffee and some jam.

At 7.50 I leave for lyceum. It is far from my house so a go by taxi. It takes 8 or 10 minutes to get there. I go to lyceum 5 days a week. At the lyceum we have 3 or 4 double lessons. We study a lot of different professional and educational subjects , for example Culinary, Organization of service, Modeling of professional situations, Equipment, Man and Society, Economy, Marketing, Management, English , Learning goods and others.

On Friday we have Practical lessons where we study professional skills, how to work,, how to organize service, how to cook dishes, how to lay the table. We work in the kitchen of lyceum’s canteen. At our Practical lessons we prepare dinner for all the lyceum. We try to work well because it is very important to prepare a tasty dinner. We deal with different products: meat, vegetables, fruit, dried fruit, fish, Hour, sugar, butter, oil, salt, cans and others. I like our Practical lessons because we learn a lot of new things about our profession.

At 11.30 we have dinner at our canteen. Usually we have soup or borstch , meat or fish burgers and porridge or potatoes, fried fish and potatoes, some salad, compote from apples or dried fruit. My lessons end at 2 p.m. or at 3.30 p.m. When a come home I have a short rest, then I look through my lessons of the next day, help my mother about the house, watch TV a little.

After supper I usually watch TV, read a book or a magazine, speak to my friend on the telephone or go for a walk with my close friends. At 10 p.m. I prepare my clothes, pens, books, copy-books for tomorrow lessons. Then I go to bed with my book. At 11p.m. I sleep and have dreams usually good and interesting, but sometimes not. I think, it depends on my mood and general condition.

2. Discuss the working day of a student. Answer the questions in the dialogue; Vocabulary:

1. When does your day begin?

2.Do you do your exercises?

3.What radio do you like to listen to? Why ?

4.What do you have for breakfast?

5.How do you get to the lyceum and when?

6.How often do you go to the lyceum?

7.What subjects do you study?

8. Do you have a practical lesson ? When?

9.What do you do there?

10.Where do you have your practical lessons?

11.What do you prepare for all the lyceum?

12.How do you work?

13.What do you deal with?

14.When do you have your dinner?

15.What do you usually have for dinner?

16.When do your lessons end?

17.What do you do when you come home

18.What do you do after supper?

19.When do you prepare for the next day?

20.When do you go to bed?

21.Do you have dreams?

22.How many lessons do you study every day?

quite routine -довольно однообразны

to differ -отличаться equipment -оборудование

so — так, таким образом to lay -накрывать

to move — двигаться cans — консервы

need -нуждаться others — другой, т.д.

to switch on — включить borstch – борщ

double lesson — пара compote — компот

Learning goods — товароведение

skill — навыки , умения tasty — вкусный

dish — блюдо to have a rest — отдыхать

canteen — столовая to look through — просмотреть

all -все, весь, вся to try -стараться next -следующий

important — важный a little — немного

to deal with — иметь дело с close — близкий

dried fruit — сухофрукты dream — сон

flour — мука so metimes — иногда

oil — подсолн . масло to depend on — зависеть от

thing — вещь burger — котлета mood — настроение

porridge — каша general condition — общее

III. 1. Read and translate the text.

Restaurant and its Stuff

A Day in the Life of «Morris» Restaurant.

Restaurant «Morris» is located in a place famous for its theatres and cinemas. It is a big restau­rant. It can cater many guests at a time. People usually come here to eat before the performances. The restaurant hall has modern design with light-blue carpet and walls, black chairs and white table-cloths, sparkling cutlery and glasses. The menu offers a variety of dishes from which the guests can choose. This is called an a la carte menu.

«Morris» is an elegant restaurant, with special service and fine food. All dishes are always fresh. The restaurant is open for dinner from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. six day a week from Tuesday to Sunday. It is closed on Monday because the staff have a rest.

The Staff and Its Duties

There are ten people in the staff. They are divided into two groups: the dining-room staff and the kitchen staff. One group works in the dining-room. They serve the customers. Another group works in the kitchen. They prepare meals for the customers.

The head chef, Anna, comes to work at 10 a.m. Anna made a new summer menu with many summer fruits and vegetables. She knows that people didn’t want heavy meals during hot weather. Anna works all day, often more than 8 hours a day. She plans the menu and manages the staff in the kitchen. She cooks meat dishes and sauces for the main course.

Mr. Black is a manager. He prepares the accounts for the supplies and organizes the work for the next week. The first task of Mr. Black in the morning is to check the telephone answering machine. He wants to know about the reservations for the next week. He manages both the dining-room staff and the kitchen staff. He also effectively manages the finances of the restaurant.

is located — расположен meat dishes — мясные блюда hall — зал

famous — знаменитый accounts — счета carpet — ковер

to са1ег -кормить,обслуживать, to check -проверять

table cloth — скатерть performance -представление

to organize -организовывать to offer -предлагать

cutlery -столовые приборы variety -разнообразие

telephone answering machine -автоответчик

sparkling -сверкающий reservations — предварит. заказы мест

to choose -выбирать manager -мeнeджep,yпpaвляющий

effectively — эффективно is called — называется

staff — персонал finances — финансы always — всегда to manage — управлять both. and — как . так и . another — другой

sauce — соус guest — гость customer — посетитель main course — главное блюдо

before — до heavy — тяжелый

during — во время more than — более hour — час

3. Find out and read the answers on the questions:

1. Where is «Morris» restaurant located? 5. When is «Morris» closed?

2.1s it a big restaurant? 6. How many people are there in the staff?

What is the design of the restaurant hall? 7. Who is the head chef?

What are the working hours of the restaurant? 8. What are the duties of the head chef?

9. What are the duties of the manager?

Make the dialogue about the restaurant «Morris».

Make the dialogue about the staff of «Morris» and its duties.

Tell some words about the restaurant «Morris»

Tell some words about the staff of the restaurant and its duties.

IV. 1. Read and translate the text. The Working Day of the Kitchen Stuff.

Today is Friday, a very busy day for the restaurant. Anna, the head chef, rtarts work today early at 8 o’clock. She must go to the market to buy fruit and vegetables for weekend. This is not usually necessary, but the restaurant has recently changed suppliers. Today Anna must buy provisions herself until she finds new good suppliers. She will return to the restaurant at 10 o’clock and will start preparing the evening meals.

The kitchen stuff begin their work today at 3 p.m. The second chef, David, is a very good cook and he is able to make Anna’s work when she is away. David does his work with the help of his apprentice Jim. He makes the pates ( паштеты ), the ice-cream and deserts. David also prepares the main course meat dishes and then Anna cooks them.

Jim, the apprentice, works two months already, and has learned a lot of things in a short time. Jim thinks that a chef’s job is rather difficult. He is sometimes( иногда ) so tired in the evening that at home he can do nothing but fall into bed. But this work is interesting for him. Today he must clean, cut and prepare the vegetables and make fruit salads. He learns to make garnishes and decorations on the dishes. He is happy because David fully trusts him. Today he will make the hors d’oeuvres, some of the entrees, main course and dessert dishes.

Mary is the kitchen hand. She works in the kitchen. She must keep the kitchen clean. She helps to slice mushrooms, peel potatoes and wash the dishes. The kitchen is always clean.

until -до тех пор,пока не fully trusts -полностью доверяет

to buy -покупать necessary -необходимый

hors d,oeuvre — закуска usually — обычно

recently — недавно entree — горячая закуска

is able to make — может выполнять supplier — поставщик

dessert — десерт is away — отсутствует

provisions — продукты , провизия kitchen hand — кухонный рабочий main course — главное блюдо busy — занятой

to slice — резать ломтиками already — уже

apprentice — ученик mushrooms — грибы

month — месяц to fall — падать

to peel — чистить rather difficult — довольно трудная

to cut -резать, рубить must -должен

so tired -так устает garnish — гарнир

to find — находить to keep — содержать

decoration — украшение to return — вернуться herself — сама

3. Find out and read the answers on the questions:

Who is the head chef?

When does the head chef come to work today?

What are the duties ( обязанности ) of the head chef usually and today ? 4 When does the kitchen stuff begin their work today?

What does the second chef do in the kitchen?

What does the apprentice do in the kitchen?

What are the duties of the kitchen hand?

4. Translate the sentences ( предложения ) Into English.

1. Сегодня Анна начинает работу в 8 часов, потому что она должна идти на рынок покупать фрукты и овощи.

2 Ресторан недавно сменил поставщиков.

3. Она вернется в ресторан в 10 часов утра.

Ученик на кухне чистит, нарезает и готовит овощи, делает фруктовые салаты. Он учится делать гарниры и украшения на блюдах.

Сегодня он будет делать закуски ,мясныеи десертные блюда.

6 Кухонный рабочий чистит картофель и моет посуду.

Tell some words about the working day of a head chef or an ordinary ( обычного ) cook.

Ask the questions to your friend about the working day of the kitchen stuff in the restaurant.

V. 1. Read and translate the text.

Text for reading and translating.

The British dinner.

Eating habits changed a lot in Britain since World War II. Most ordinary people in Britain used to have their main meal in the middle of the day. Men used to come home from work at midday and eat meal of meat, potatoes, vegetables with a cup of tea and a pudding. In the evening families had a lighter meal called “tea”. But this system needed a wife at home to do the cooking. Since the War, more woman have been going out to work. Also, people have been working father( дальше ) from home. The midday meal is much less important now than it used to be.

New Eating Habits.

Nowadays in Britain, office workers more often have a snack at lunchtime, of sandwiches or ‘fast food’. The main meal is at the end of the day. But with more people working, no one has time or energy to do a lot of cooking even in the evening. People buy easy-to-cook foods from the supermarkets. Traditional family meals only happen on weekends. In the U.S.A. most people have been having their main meal in the evening after work for a long time. Lunch is a quick snack, often of a fast food such as pizza, a hotdog or hamburger.

VI. 1. Read and translate the dialoges.

We eat outside.(At the restaurant. At Café.)

Breakfast at the restaurant.

Waiter : Good morning! What would you like for breakfast?

Guest : Well, I’ll have some bread and butter or some buttered toast, eggs and bacon and cornflakes with milk.

Waiter : What would you like, tea or coffee?

Guest : In the morning I prefer a cup of strong coffee.

Waiter : How many lumps of sugar do you take in your coffee ? Do you take milk with your coffee ?

Guest : I usually take two lumps of sugar and have my coffee with milk,

Waiter : What else would you like to order?

Guest : You see, I didn’t want to take a substantial breakfast but today Fd like to taste your sandwiches with cheese. I see you have sand­ wiches with cheese on the menu. What kind of cheese is that?

Waiter : Any kind you like. We have sharp, piquant cheese — Roquefirt and Cheddar, mellow cheeses- Swiss and Cheshire, and soft cheeses-Edam, Camembert and Brie. 2.

1 st Guest: Let;s call a waiter and make the orders.

Waiter : What can I do for you ?

1 st Guest: Breakfast for two, please.

Waiter : What would you like for breakfast ? Today we have got a big choice of dishes.

1 st Guest: Will you bring us something substantial to your taste?

Waiter : Не re is the menu. Make your choice, please.

1 st Guest: I’d rather have pancakes, bacon and eggs and a cup of coffee.

Waiter : How would you like your coffee ?

1 st Guest: Not very strong and put two lumps of sugar in

Waiter (to the second person) : What would you like for breikfast?

2 st Guest: I’d like fried eggs, meat pate and toasts with

marmalade. Then bring me a fruit salad and some fruit juice, please.

Waiter : What juice would you like?

2 ad Guest: Orange juice, please.

Waiter: Anything else?

2 ad Guest: No, that is alt. Waiter: Just a minute, it won’t take long.

1 st Guest: How much do we pay?

Waiter : Here is the bill, please.

1 st Guest : (paying for the breakfast): Here you are, Keep

(he change, please.

Waiter: Thank you, sir! Come again, please .

cornflakes — кукурузные хлопья

sugar — caxap( кусочек )

meat pate — мясной паштет

piquant — пикантный Roquefort — сыр Рокфор

Cheddar — сыр чеддер

mellow — спелый , зрелый

Cheshire — сорт твердого сыра

Edam — сорт голландского сыра Эдам Camember — сыр Камамбер

Brie — франц . Сыр Бри

3. Make a dialogue translating sentenses into English :

Я тоже. Я очень хочу есть, Давай позавтра­ каем где-нибудь вместе.

Хорошо. Давай пойдем в кафе ?

— С удовольствием. Я там бывал много раз.
Это кафе мне очень нравится. Там хорошо

Готовят и обслуживают.

Что сегодня в меню ?

Сегодня много блюд на мой вкус. Я хочу Взять молочный суп, яичницу и стакан апе­ льсинового сока, А ты ?

Я возьму омлет , чашку кофе и пирог. Я не

Хочу молочный суп сегодня

— Ты будешь брать мороженое ?

— Нет, я не люблю мороженое.

-Нет, это все. Давай позовем официанта и

1, Что бы вы хотели на завтрак ?

Вот меню, Выбирайте, пожалуйста,

Что вы будете пигь чай или кофе ?

Какой кофе вы хотите? Сколько кусочков

сахара вы кладете в кофе ?

5. Утром я предпочитаю чашку крепкого ко-

фе с молоком и сэндвич.

6. Что вы еще хотели бы заказать ? У нас сегодня большой выбор блюд.

7. У нас есть яичница с беконом и тосты с мармеладом.

8,. Принесите мне яичницу с беконом, мяс­-
ной паштет и кукурузные хлопья с моло­ ком.

9. Сколько я должен заплатить ?

VII . 1. We Eat Outside.( At the Restaurant. At the Cafe)


Usually I have my dinner at home, but last Sunday my friend invited me to have dinner at the restaurant. When we came in, the headwaiter showed us to the table. We sat down at the table and the waiter gave us the menu. The table was already laid for dinner. There was a white table-cloth on the table, plates, spoons, knives and forks on it. In the middle of the table there was a dish with white and brown bread, a cruet-set with a salt-sellar and pots for pepper and mustard.

We decided to begin with some kind of appetizer or hours-d’oeuvre. My friend ordered clear chicken soup with noodles and I chose cabbage soup with small meat pies.

For the second course there was a wide choice of dishes: fried fish and chips, pancakes with salmon, scallops, feed in vegetable oil, veal cutlets, pork chops with fried potatoes, steaks and grilled chicken. The waiter suggested us for the second course the speciality of the restaurant — pan-fried veal chops with spring onions.

For dessert we decided to take vanilla ice cream, coffee and apple pie.

Everything was very tasty and the service was good. The waiter brought us a bill. We paid the bill and left the restaurant.

2. Answer the questions.

1.When did my friend invite me to have dinner?

2. Was the table laid for dinner already?

3. What was there on the table?

4. What was there in the middle of the table?

3. What did we decide to begin dinner with?

6. What did my Mend order?

7. What was on the menu for the second course?

8. What did the waiter suggest us for the second course?

9. What did we decide to take for dessert?

10. What did the waiter bring us at the end?

sugar- basin- сахарница vegetable soup — овощной суп

table-cloth- скатерть vinegar — уксус

tangerine- мандарин water melon — арбуз

VIII. 1. Read and translate the text.

Shops play an important part in our life. People cannot do without them. When people want to buy something, they go to shops or do shopping where various goods are sold. Through the shop-window we can see what is sold in this or that shop.

At the grocer’s you can buy sugar , tea, coffee, salt, pepper, yam, sausage, frankfurters and so on. Bread is sold at the baker’s, meat at the butcher’s. Cakes and sweets are sold at the confectioner’s. When we want to buy clothes, we go to men/s and ladies’ clothes shop. We buy boots and shoes at the footwear shop. We buy jewelry at the jeweler’s. We buy books at the bookseller’s.

A salesman, salesgirl or saleswoman usually stand behind the counter. The cashier sits at the cash desk, The salesman or salesgirl weighs the goods, which are not packed on the scales, and tells the price. People who often come to buy different things in the shop are called customers.

Some shops may have many departments. These shops are called department stores or supermarkets. Supermarkets are self-service stores with departments for different food products. Supermarkets sell thousand of food products: meat fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, canned groceries, bakery items, delicatessen items, and frozen foods. Some supermarkets also have seafood and alcohol, hi some supermarkets you can buy household goods. The supermarkets are located in shopping centers or malls and along main roads. Supermarkets are popular with people because they save time, have low prices and variety of products in one place. There you can buy almost everything you need. These shops are called self-service shops because there are no salespersons there but only cashiers at the cash desks, The customers choose the goods they want to buy and pay for them at the cash desk, The customerschoose the goods they want to buy and pay for them at the cash desk.

cannot do without — не могут обойтись без с ash desk — касса scales — весы to buy — покупать , купить

salesgirl — продавщица self-service — самообслуживание

vari щ us — разлиный , разнообразный saleswoman — продавщица mall — торговый центр goods — товары salesman — продавец canned – консервированный cashier — кассир

to weight — взвешиватъ salesperson – продавец

2. Answer the questions : Make the dialogue with your group mate :

1. Do shops play an important role in our life?

Where do people go when they want to buy something?

What can we see through the shop-window?

What can we buy at the grocer’s?

What can we buy at the baker’s?

What can we buy at the greengrocers

What can we buy at the butcher’s?

What can we buy at the confectioner’s

What can we buy at the footwear shop?

10. What can we buy at the bookseller’s?

11. Where db the customers pay for tire goods at the self-service shops?
12. What are the main definite features of the supermarket?

13. Is the supermarket better than any other shop? Why?

14. Where do you do shopping?
3. Translate into English:

В этом торговом центре есть новый супермаркет. Давай зайдем туда.

В этом супермаркете вы можете купить все что вам нужно.

Мы делаем покупки в этом супермаркете. Здесь большой выбор продуктов.

Мария работает в этом супермаркете. Она продавец в бакалее.

Анна тоже работает в этом же супермаркет Она продавец в кондитерском отделе.

6. Какие отделы есть в этом супермаркет, — В этом супермаркете имеется молочный, рыбный, бакалейный, кондитерский, молочный, овощной отделы,

Я часто покупаю продукты в этом супермаркете, А ты?- Я обычно покупаю здесь колбасу и сыр в бакалее.

Что вы покупаете в молочном отделе? — Мы покупаем различные продукты: молоко, сметану, сыр и др.

Тебе нравится этот супермаркет? — О, да.. Он экономит время мне и моей семье.

IX. 1. Read and translate the text.

At the Food Shop.

People do shopping almost every day, There is a big supermarket not far from my place, It is а self-service shop. Why do people like shopping in this self-service shop? There am three main reasons for it: it doesn’t take much time, it has a wide choice of all possible products, the prices are not very high. Customers can buy all the necessary foodstuffs there: bread, milk, fish, grocery, salvages, sweets, vegetables and fruit. Everything in (he counters looks very attractive and the sales staff are very polite.

When customer come into the shop, they take a food basket and choose the products they want to buy. When they put everything they want into the basket they come up to the casher’s desk. There is a computer with a lasser scanner that reads and sums up the prices on packed goods at the casher’s desk. The saleswoman tells how much to pay, the customers pay the money and leave the shop.

There are several aisles in the shop: fruit and vegetables, meat and fish counters and others. The grocery and fruit aisles offer a great variety of fresh and canned vegetables and fruit. There you can buy spring onions, brawn onions, potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbages and lettuce. There are also radishes, cauliflower arid green peas on the counters. The customers can put vegetables into plastic bags.

The fruit are always very fresh. You can buy bananas, grapes, lemons, oranges, tangerines and
pineapples, pears, apples and plums, hi season the shop has a great variety of berries: strawberries,
cherries, raspberries, black and red currants, gooseberries and crunberries. In summer they sell water
melons and melons. Fruit and berry jams are sold all year round. There is also a wide choice of fruit
and vegetable juices to any taste. You can buy bottles and packs of juices of any size.

In the grocery aisle there are all kinds of cereals: oatmeal, millet, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley,

macaroni, vermicelli and noodles. You can also buy vegetable oil, spices, flour, potato flour, peas and some other products there.

At the meat counter the customers can buy pork, beef, mutton, veal and poultry. The meat products are ready packed and some of them can be cooked in microwave oven. There are also delicatessen and smoked meats and sausages there. They offer you all kinds of sausages: boiled sausages, half-smoked sausages, and smoked sausages, liver pate, ham, canned beef and pork,

The shop has a wide choice of fish. There is much fresh-frozen fish: perch, cod, plaice and some other. You can buy pike-perch and sturgeon, lobsters, shrimps, scallops, fillet of sword-fish, tuna fish, live craw-fish, herring and kipper here. There is also much canned fish.

There is a wide choice of milk products in the dairy department. You can buy milk, butter, cream, yogurts, kefir, sour cream, cheese, curds, cottage cheese, pot cheese and cream cheese. At this department you can also buy eggs, mayonnaise and margarine.

You go for white and brown broad to the bread section. There are a lot of baked items in this section. You can also buy rolls, buns, muffins, and croissants there. There is a wide choice of items in the confectionery: bars of chocolates biscuits, A lot of other tasty thing are on sale here: pastry, jam- puffs, fancy-cakes, tarts, fruit-cakes, wafers, marmalade and also tea, coffee and cocoa.

2. Translate into English:

1, Где вы покупаете обычно капусту, картофель, свеклу, морковь и другие овощи ? -В супермаркете. У них большой выбор овощей.

2. Что вы обычно покупаете каждый день в супермаркете? Я покупаю молоко, масло, булочки, замороженное мясо, иногда рыбу.

3 Какие деликатесы вы покупаете в нашей кулинарии ? — Я покупаю всегда конченую курицу, ветчину, торт или пирожные. Они очень вкусные здесь.

4. Где вы покупаете хлеб? Мы покупаем хлеб в хлебном отделе супермаркета.

X. 1. Learn the new words.

Methods of Cooking

heat treatment — тепловая обработка sauteing -обжаривание в кастрюле с добавлением масла
ediable — съедобный steaming — варка на пару

fritters — блюда жареные во фритюре

raw сырой baking -печение, выпекание surface — поверхность way — способ, метод

roasting — обжаривание в духовке или на вертеле

charcoal древесный heat -жар, тепло

grilling -обжаривание на открытом огне (углях)

heating — нагревание mixture — смесь suitable -п o дходящий, пригодный liquid — жидкость simmering — кипение на медлю огне

to baste -поливать сверху жиром boiling -варка, кипение sugar syrup -сах.сироп

to spoon over — поливать сверху

stock -рыбный или мясной бульон oven — печь roasting foil -фольга для жарения

stewing -длител.тушение в жидкости

deep frying — обжаривание в кипящем масле

melted fat -топлен.жир frying — жарение, обжаривание в мас. immersion — погружение on a split — на вертеле shallow -неглубокий, мелкий doughnut -пончик

rapid — быстрый , скорый

2. Read the text and find the answers on the questions :

What are the four basic ways of cooking food? 6. How do we call frying when natural juices of the

What is cooked by boiling? food are mixed with the fat or oil in the saucepan?

What two methods of frying do you know? 7. How are potato chips cooked?

What can be baked? 8. How are beefsteaks cooked?

What do we usually roast? 9. How are spaghetti cooked?

10. How are doughnuts cooked ?

Methods of Cooking.

Cooking is a heat treatment of food to make it edible. Many products cannot be eaten raw. Meat, fish, and vegetables are usually cooked. Some fruits are not cooked, but some, such as apples, pears, mid currants, may be used in pies or to make desserts. Fruits are also cooked to make jams, jellies, and marmalades.

The four basic ways to cook food are:

heating in a liquid ( boiling, stewing )

Heating in fat or oil (frying and sautieing)

heating by dry heat (baking, roasting and grilling ).

Boiling . We may boil food in different liquids and mixtures, including water, stock, and wine. Meat, poultry, many vegetables and spaghetti are cooked in this way,

Stewing is cooking food in liquid. It is often used for meat. Vegetables, herbs, and spices are usually added at the end of cooking.

Deep frying is immersion of food in hot fat or oil. Chipped potatoes and doughnuts are the best example of deep-frying, Deep-fried foods are called fritters,

Shallow frying is frying on a pan in hot fat or oil, when the food is fried on both sides. We c-an fry eggs, meat, vegetables, mushrooms, onions and pancakes.

Sauteing is frying when juices of the food are mixed with the fat or oil in the saucepan. We can also add stock, wine or cream. As a result we obtain a dish with a sauce.

Steaming is a method of cooking above the surface of boiling liquid in a covered saucepan. Fish, vegetables, and poultry are especially suitable for steaming, as are some types of puddings.

Baking is dry cooking inside an oven, Bread, cakes, pastries, tarts and biscuits are baked. Vegetables, especially potatoes, may also be cooked in this way,

Roasting is cooking meat and poultry, which are placed m an oven and cooked by dry heat. They are often basted, that is 5 the juices from the meat are spooned over during the process, Some cooks wrap the meat un a roasting foil with a little oil or melted fat Meat can be also roasted on a spit.

Grilling is a rapid method of cooking poultry, fish, cuts of meat, sausages and kebabs by heat, the source of which may be gas, electricity, or charcoal

XI. 1. Read and translate the text.

Pubs are important part of life in Britain. People go to the pub to relax, meet friends, and sometimes to do business.

But pubs are not open to everyone, and they are not open all the time. People under the age of 14 cannot go into pubs. And they are only open from about 11 am («opening time») until 2.30 pm, and 5.30 pm until 10.30 or 11 pm («closing time»). When it’s closing time, the barman calls «Time!» or «Time, gentlemen, please!»

You can buy most kinds of drink in a pub: beer, lager, all kinds of wine, spirits, liqueurs, fruit juice and soft drinks( безалгогольное )st popular drink, and there are many different kinds. You ask for beer by the «pint» (a little more than half a litre) or the «half pint». When people buy beer they ask for «bitter»( горькое ) (strong beer), “mild” (less strong), or lager. Some people just say the name of the maker( изготовитель ): “A half of Double Diamond, please.” Or “Two halves of export, please”.

Most pubs do not sell hot drinks, like coffee or tea, but many sell hot and cold food. Pub food (called “pub grub”) is often good, is cheaper than most restaurant food, and you don’t have to leave a tip. But you do have to go to the bar to get your food and drink. There are no waiters in pubs.

2. Read the text» Restaurants in London » and find the answers on questions :

In what is there ( есть ) disadvantage of British restaurants?

What is the main food in British restaurants?

Why do most British families go to the restaurants?

Why are restaurants very good for businessmen and young boys and girls?

Can you name ( назвать ) the main restaurants of London?


British restaurants are not, unfortunately, famous for their good food. Too often, they offer only sausages and chips, fish and chips-chips with everything in fact! But there are some wonderful surprises in British cooking, especially the many delicious cakes and desserts, and the British certainly enjoy their food. There’s a fantastic variety of restaurants of all nationalities in London.

Most British families only go to restaurants on special occasions, like birthdays, or wedding anniversaries. The restaurants best customers are businessmen, who meet in them to talk business in a relaxed atmosphere away from the telephone. They can eat what they like, because the company pays the bill! But when a boy and girl want to get to know, each other better, they often go out to a restaurant together. After all, it’s easier to talk in a quiet atmosphere, with soft music, wine and good food.

For visitors to London, eating out can be fun. Try Rules, in the West End. The traditional menu and decor are just like they were in Queen Victoria’s day, a hundred years ago.

Or take a walk down the King’s Road in Chelsea where there are dozens of small restaurants.

But if you want that special London feeling, go to the Ritz in Piccadilly for tea any afternoon at about half past four. Too expensive? Then try England’s favourite food — fish and chips. Take it away and eat it where you like — in the park, on the bus, or while you walk down the street. That’s what Londoners do!

XII. 1. Learn new worlds .

catering establishment- to demand- требовать common- обычный , общий

предприятия обществ.питания plate service подача блюд на тарелах в ‹‹обнос›› buffet service буфет.об.

cafeteria кафетерий to arrange устраивать, располагать Swadish Board ‹‹шведский стол››

snack bar закусочная snack plates тарелки для накладывания еды

fast food restaurant- tray- поднос item- предмет

рестораны быстрого обслуж. to place помещать convenient удобный

separate- отдельный principal- главный

2. Read the questions and find out In the texto the answer on the following topics:

What are the types of catering establishments? 6. Where are the desserts placed in the “S.B.”?

What are the types of customers? 7. What in the waiter’s role in the “S.B.”? Cook’s role ?

Is the “Swedish Board” convenient for the guests ? 8. Where is cafeteria service used?

What groups of people usually use the “S.B.”? 9. Where do the customers pay for the dishes in café-

Where are the counters with snacks and dishes placed teria service ?

in the “Swedish Board” ? 10. What is plate service at the restaurant?

Styles of Food Service.

There are many types of catering establishments. They are big first class restaurants in five-star hotels, small restaurants, cafeterias, snack bars and fast-food restaurants. They serve different types of customers. They are families, groups of tourists, business people, children etc. They all demand different styles of service. There are various basic styles of food service in restaurants of different types. The most common styles are:

Buffet service is often called the “Swedish Board”. This system of food service is very convenient for the guests- they needn’t wait for the waiters and bills. This is really self-service. Breakfast is served from 8 to 10, lunch from 12 to 15 s dinner from 18 to 20. As a rule this type of food service is arranged in hotels for big groups of tourists, and also for conferences and congresses.

The counters with snacks and dishes, and snack-plates and trays for taking food are placed in the centre of the dining hall. The tables are near the walls. The guests come up to the Swedish Board and put the meals, appetizers and salads on the snack-plates themselves. Then they put everything on the trays and their seats at the tables.

The assortment of appetizers, dishes and beverages is usually rich. The guests can taste a little of each dish. Desserts are usually placed on a separate table. The waiter’s role is to clear the tables and serve drinks. . The waiters can also help the guests if necessary. The cook’s role is more important. The cook prepares all me tasty things for the Swedish Board in the kitchen.

In cafeteria service the guests collect their plates with dishes on a tray as they move along the counter. At the end of the counter there is a cash desk. There the customers pay for the dishes they have chosen. This land of service is usually used in cafeterias, snack bars and canteens.

This is the simplest form of table service in the restaurants. All the food is put on the plates in the kitchen. The waiters take it and place on the table in front of the guest, The principle item in the dish should be put nearest to the customer, and the garnish and vegetables should be arranged around the main item

XIII. 1. Read and translate the text.


I spend a lot of time at the college, that is why it’s necessary to have a snack time there. During the break I go to have lunch to our college canteen. It’s always full of people at this time. I go to the service counter and line up. There is self-service at our canteen. Sometimes it takes quite a lot of time to stand in the line and I have to gulp my lunch in five minutes.

The choice of dishes in our canteen is rather rich, the quality of food is good and the prices are reasonable.

To begin with, I usually have some salad-tomato and cucumber salad or mixed salad. For the first course I have soup-fresh cabbage shchee, solyanka, pea soup or maybe some fish soup for a change. For the main course I have meat or chicken dishes, for example steak, meatballs or roast chicken with spaghetti or potatoes. I prefer meat to fish but I eat fish from time to time too. For dessert I usually have fruit juice or a cup of tea with a bun or a slice of cake. I take them from the counter, put on my tray and go to the cashier’s desk to pay the money. Then I take a seat at any vacant table.

Besides the kitchen staff and the cashier two or three students on duty help to clear the plates and cups off the tables and to keep order in the canteen.

To line up- становиться в очередь

To gulp- глотать поспешно

First course- первое

Main course- второе

Mashed potatoes- картофельное пюре

3. Назовите 2- ю форму следующих глаголов и перескажите текст в Past simple Spend , go , be , take , have, eat , prefer , put, pay , help , keep , clear.

4.Разделите слова на две группы : FOOD and DRINKS :

Water, meat, potato, cabbage, juice, grape, beer, duck, carp, bacon, cocktail, porridge , veal, coffee, bean , cherry, candy , tea , cake , wine, rice, biscuit , cocoa , bread, prawn.

5. Read and translate the dialogue.


-Can we take this nice table for two?

-No, I’m sorry, you can’t. It’s reserved. Come over here, please. You’ll be very comfortable at this table. Here is the menu card.

-Thank you very much. Give us some time to look it through.

-Of course. Have you made the choice?

-I’ll start with soup and have a beef steak to follow.

-Do you prefer the beef steak underdone or well-done?

-I like it tender.

-As for me, I had meat for my main course yesterday, so I’ll have fish for a change.

-Will you have any dessert? What would you like?

-Fruit salad and ice cream for me.

-I’ll have the same. And I’ll take a cup of coffee. Won’t you have one also?

-Yes. Make it two. That’ll be all, I suppose.

-What do we have to pay, waiter?

-69 euros and 20 cents, sir.

-Here is your change-30 euros and 80 cents.

-Forget 80 cents.

-Thank you. Goodbye.

XIV . 1.Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Russian cuisine is rich and varied. There is a big choice of appetizers, soups, hot and dessert dishes. Soup makes an important part of a Russian meal. The traditional Russian soups are shchee, borshch, rassolnik, meat and fish solyanka, ukha, mush room soup and soup in season-okroshka and cold beetroot soup. No two recipes are the same for borshch and shchee. Many ways of cutting and cooking meat came from France, that is why they have French terms:antrecot, eskalop, file. Roast suckling pig is a classic festive dish on the Russian table. The traditional method was to roast the pig on a baking tray in the oven. lt was cooked with the head left on, basted frequently with oil or butter and served with buckwheat and sometimes with a hot sauce. Alexander Grigoryevich Stroganoff gave his name at the end of the 19 th century to a dish-beef Stroganoff.

Pelmeni is another specialty of Russian cookery, which has its history. Under the Mongol yoke pelmeni became established in Siberia and the Urals and gradually spread on all the territory of Russia. Nowadays there is a great number of recipes and varieties of them. Traditional mixture of beef, pork and elk is used to make minced meat.

The English word «porrige» is no good for translating kasha, which covers almost all ways of cooking all grains in water, milk, stock and cream. There is a large variety of consistencies from dry to a thick puree. The simplest and traditional way to serve Russian kasha is with plenty of good butter. As the saying goes: «You can’t spoil kasha with butter».

A large variety of milk products are used in Russian cooking: a sort of dry, granulated cream cheese called tvorog, thick sour cream called Smetana and several types of sour-milk products of the yoghourt type. Smetana can be used with almost anything: we can dress soups, meat dishes, strawberries and apples sliced up with it. lt is also used on pancakes and drunk by the glassful with or without sugar. Smetana is also an almost universal flavouring sauce. Kefir is a dietary beverage made from cow’s milk, yeast and lactic acid bacteria. Ryazhenka is a sour milk product made from baked milk.

Russian cuisine is famous for its pies which were baked in Russian in good old times and are very popular nowadays. They are

rasstegai, kulebiaka, vatrushki, krendeli, boubliki, baranki, sooshki, koolich. As for drinks, Russian cuisine offers you its original beverages: kvas and zbiten, and a lot of different fruit and berry beverages. Kvas is a beverage made from rye bread and water fermented by yeast. Zbiten is an old Russian beverage made from kvas, cognac or vodka, honey, tea and spices.

Varied -разнообразный hollow -углубление

Appetizer -закуска knot -узел

Sauerkraut -квашеная капуста Easter -Пасха

Beetroot -свекла Filling -начинка

Recipe -рецепт to ferment -бродить

Suckling -молочный поросенок horseradish -хрен

Oven -печь, духовка cognac -коньяк

Baking tray -противень hospitable -гостеприимный

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Английский НА КУХНЕ *запоминай английские слова быстро* LinguaTrip TV

Тест для поваров

Задание 1. Подберите русские эквиваленты к английским словам на тему «Персонал предприятий общественного питания. Посуда»:

1. staff a) персонал b) бармен c) помощник повара

2. cashier a) руководитель b) кассир c) столовый прибор

3. chef a) главный повар b) менеджер c) сахарница

4. chief a )лидер b) вилка c) ложка

5. cook a) повар b) управляющий c) сахарница

6. cover a) прибор для специй b) тарелка c) столовый прибор

7. fork a) вилка b) поддонник c) штат

8. knife a) нож b) чайное блюдце c) официант

9. plate a) тарелка b) буфетчик c) кухарка

10. spoon a) исполнительный директор b) сахарница c) ложка

Общее количество баллов за задание: 10

Задание 2. Подберите английские эквиваленты к русским словам на тему «Персонал предприятий общественного питания. Посуда»:

1. помощник повара а) barman b) sugar basin c) cooker assistant

2. исполнительный директор а) managing director b) executive director c) cruet

3. финансовый директор а) managing director b) chief c)financial director

4. официант а) waitress b) waiter c) spoon

5. соусник а) sugar bowl b) saucer c) knife

6. миска а) bowl b) cashier c) spoon

7. чашка а) cup b) manager c) cook

8. блюдо а)saucer b) dish c) fork

9. перечница а) pepper box b) staff c) saltcellar

10. солонка а) saltcellar b) cashier c) sugar basin

Общее количество баллов за задание: 10

Задание 3. Подберите русские эквиваленты к английским словам на тему «Профессиональные глаголы»:

1. add a) добавлять b) удалять кости c) глазировать

2. bake a) печь, выпекать b) отбивать котлету c) посыпать

3. blend a) мешать, смешивать b) выдавливать c) очищать

4. boil a) кипятить, варить b) зажаривать c) скреплять

5. brush a) резать b) взбивать c) смазывать

6. carve a) вырезать b) покрывать c) охлаждать

7. chill a) глазировать b) охлаждать c) лепить

8. chop a) рубить b) солить c) давить, мять

9. cook a) растирать в пасту b) готовить c) крошить

10. dip a) макать b) сушить c) подрумянивать

11. decorate a) удалять семена b) украшать c) натирать солью

12. dilute a) разбавлять b) перемешивать c) загущать

13. cut a) выкладывать b) заворачивать c) резать

14. dry a) делать хлопья b) сушить c) жарить

15. fasten a) скреплять b) протирать (сквозь сито) c) охлаждать

Общее количество баллов за задание: 15

Задание 4. Подберите английские эквиваленты к русским словам на тему «Профессиональные глаголы»:

наполнять, заполнять а) fill b) rub c) flake

2. фильтровать а) filter b) roast c) pit

3. мять, давить а) melt b) mash c) puree

4. смачивать а) moisten b) mix c) scatter

5. бить, взбивать (тесто) а) wrap b) peel c) pat

6. сливать а) pour over b) pour off c) puree

7. поливать а) pit b) pour over c) pour off

8. жарить а) rinse b) roast c) rub in

9. посыпать а) scatter b) serve c) shred

10. приправлять а) season b) rinse c) flake

11. просеивать а) slice b) sieve c) roast

12. замачивать, мочить а) soak b) melt c) dilute

13. измельчать, толочь а) chop b) carve c) pound

14. влить, наливать а) pour b) pipe c) dust

15. скоблить, чистить а) scrub b) scrape c) mince

Общее количество баллов за задание: 15

Задание 5. Подберите русские эквиваленты к английским словам на тему: «Мясо; птица; рыба; морепродукты»:

1. beef a) баранина b) говядина c) окунь

2. pork a) телятина b) лещ c) свинина

3. chicken a) курица b) палтус c) индейка

4. goose a) баранина b) гусь c) цыпленок

5. turkey a) утка b) индейка c) треска

6. eel a) карась b) домашняя птица c) угорь

7. pike a) судак b) щука c) мясо ягненка

8. sole a) морской язык b) копченая рыба c) моллюск

9. prawn a) устрица b) тунец c) креветка

10. squid a) шпрот b) омар c) кальмар

Общее количество баллов за задание: 10

Задание 6. Подберите английские эквиваленты к русским словам на тему: «Мясо; птица; рыба; морепродукты»:

1. баранина а) pike b) mutton c) halibut

2. домашняя птица а) smelt b) poultry c) cod

3. окунь а) bass b) veal c) ruff

4. налим а) burbot b) haddock c) trout

5. ерш а) ruff b) pike c) duck

6. шпрот а) sprat b) salmon c) shrimp
7. тунец а) trout b) tuna c) lobster

8. краб а) crawfish b) crab c) sprat

9. минога а) sturgeon b) lamprey c) mollusk

10. устрица а) oyster b) shrimp c) tuna

Общее количество баллов за задание: 10

Задание 7. Подберите русские эквиваленты к английским словам на тему: «Овощи и фрукты»:

bean a) фасоль b) огурец c) банан

2. carrot a) кукуруза b) морковь c) паприка

3. corn a) хурма b) кукуруза c) кабачок

4. pea a) горох b) персик c) зеленый лук

5. radish a) черная редька b) редис c) инжир

6. banana a) боб b) банан c) баклажан

7. grape a) виноград b) грейпфрут c) свекла

8. mango a) мандарин b) манго c) гриб

9. orange a) апельсин b) тыква c) ананас

10. pear a) груша b) горох c) цветная капуста

Общее количество баллов за задание: 10

Задание 8. Подберите английские эквиваленты к русским словам на тему: «Овощи и фрукты»:

1. помидор а) melon b) tomato c) pomegranate

2. свекла а) beetroot b) spring onion c) corn

3. салат а) lettuce b) squash c) apple

4. гриб а) marrow b) mushroom c) turnip

5. лук а) onion b) melon c) maize

6. тыква а) potato b) pumpkin c) tomato

7. яблоко а) date b) cabbage c) apple

8. абрикос а) melon b) peach c) apricot

9. инжир а) cauliflower b) fig c) grape

10. лимон а) lettuce b) lemon c) peach

Общее количество баллов за задание: 10

Задание 9. Подберите русские эквиваленты к английским словам на тему: «Общественное питание»:
1. Additives а) консерванты б) добавки с) красители

2. appetizer а) закуска б) аппетит с) добавки

3. baking sheet а) бумага для запекания б) духовка с) противень

4. bay leaf а) лист для запекания б) лавровый лист с) лист с дерева

5. batter а) сливочное масло б) жидкое тесто с) дрожжевое тесто

6. beverage а) краситель б) напиток с) морс

7. cabbage head а) капуста б) кабачок с) кочан капусты

8. cheese spread а) сливочный сыр б) плавленый сыр с) маргарин

9. cook shop а) закусочная б) бар с) магазин продуктов

10. dried eggs а) яйца вкрутую б) яичный порошок с) глазунья


Задание 1. Подберите русские эквиваленты к английским словам на тему «Персонал предприятий общественного питания. Посуда»:

1. staff a)персонал b)бармен c) помощник повара

2. cashier a) руководитель b) кассир c) столовый прибор

3. chef a) главный повар b) менеджер c) сахарница

4. chief a) лидер b) вилка c) ложка

5. cook a) повар b) управляющий c) сахарница

6. cover a) прибор для специй b) тарелка c) столовый прибор

7. fork a) вилка b) поддонник c) штат

8. knife a) нож b) чайное блюдце c) официант

9. plate a) тарелка b) буфетчик c) кухарка

10. spoon a) исполнительный директор b) сахарница c) ложка

Задание 2. Подберите английские эквиваленты к русским словам на тему «Персонал предприятий общественного питания. Посуда»:

1. помощник повара а) barman b) sugar basin c) cook assistant

2. исполнительный директор а) managing director b) executive director c)cruet

3. финансовый директор а) managing director b) chief c) financial director

4. официант а) waitress b) waiter c) spoon

5. соусник а) sugar bowl b) saucer c) knife

6. миска а) bowl b) cashier c) spoon

7. чашка а) cup b) manager c) cook

8. блюдо а) saucer b) dish c) fork

9. перечница а) pepper box b) staff c) saltcellar

10. солонка а) saltcellar b) cashier c) sugar basin

Задание 3. Подберите русские эквиваленты к английским словам на тему «Профессиональные глаголы»:

1. add a) добавлять b) удалять кости c) глазировать

2. bake a) печь, выпекать b) отбивать котлету c) посыпать

3. blend a) мешать, смешивать b) выдавливать c) очищать

4. boil a) кипятить, варить b) зажаривать c) скреплять

5. brush a) резать b) взбивать c) смазывать

6. carve a) вырезать b) покрывать c) охлаждать

7. chill a) глазировать b) охлаждать c) лепить

8. chop a) рубить b) солить c) давить, мять

9. cook a) растирать в пасту b) готовить c) крошить

10. dip a) макать b) сушить c) подрумянивать

11. decorate a) удалять семена b) украшать c) натирать солью

12. dilute a) разбавлять b) перемешивать c) загущать

13. cut a) выкладывать b) заворачивать c) резать

14. dry a) делать хлопья b) сушить c) жарить

15. fasten a) скреплять b) протирать (сквозь сито) c) охлаждать

Задание 4. Подберите английские эквиваленты к русским словам на тему «Профессиональные глаголы»:

1. наполнять, заполнять а) fill b) rub c) flake

2. фильтровать а) filter b) roast c) pit

3. мять, давить а) melt b) mash c) puree

4. смачивать а) moisten b) mix c) scatter

5. бить, взбивать (тесто) а) wrap b) peel c) pat

6. сливать а) pour over b) pour off c) puree

7. поливать а) pit b) pour over c) pour off

8. жарить а) rinse b) roast c) rub in

9. посыпать а) scatter b) serve c) shred

10. приправлять а) season b) rinse c) flake

11. просеивать а) slice b) sieve c) roast

12. замачивать, мочить а) soak b) melt c) dilute

13. измельчать, толочь а) chop b) carve c) pound

14. влить, наливать а) pour b) pipe c) dust

15. скоблить, чистить а) scrub b) scrape c) mince

Задание 5. Подберите русские эквиваленты к английским словам на тему: «Мясо; птица; рыба; морепродукты»:

1. beef a) баранина b) говядина c) окунь

2. pork a) телятина b) лещ c) свинина

3. chicken a) курица b) палтус c) индейка

4. goose a) баранина b) гусь c) цыпленок

5. turkey a) утка b) индейка c) треска

6. eel a) карась b) домашняя птица c) угорь

7. pike a) судак b) щука c) мясо ягненка

8. sole a) морской язык b) копченая рыба c) моллюск

9. prawn a) устрица b) тунец c) креветка

10. squid a) шпрот b) омар c) кальмар

Задание 6. Подберите английские эквиваленты к русским словам на тему: «Мясо; птица; рыба; морепродукты»:

1. баранина а) pike b) mutton c) halibut

2. домашняя птица а) smelt b) poultry c) cod

3. окунь а) bass b) veal c) ruff

4. налим а) burbot b) haddock c) trout

5. ерш а) ruff b) pike c) duck

6. шпрот а) sprat b) salmon c) shrimp
7. тунец а) trout b) tuna c) lobster

8. краб а) crawfish b) crab c) sprat

9. минога а) sturgeon b) lamprey c) mollusk

10. устрица а) oyster b) shrimp c) tuna

Задание 7. Подберите русские эквиваленты к английским словам на тему: «Овощи и фрукты»:

1. bean a) фасоль b) огурец c) банан

2. carrot a) кукуруза b) морковь c) паприка

3. corn a) хурма b) кукуруза c) кабачок

4. pea a) горох b) персик c) зеленый лук

5. radish a) черная редька b) редис c) инжир

6. banana a) боб b) банан c) баклажан

7. grape a) виноград b) грейпфрут c) свекла

8. mango a) мандарин b) манго c) гриб

9. orange a) апельсин b) тыква c) ананас

10. pear a) груша b) горох c) цветная капуста

Задание 8. Подберите английские эквиваленты к русским словам на тему: «Овощи и фрукты»:

1. помидор а) melon b) tomato c) pomegranate

2. свекла а) beetroot b) spring onion c) corn

3. салат а) lettuce b) squash c) apple

4. гриб а) marrow b) mushroom c) turnip

5. лук а) onion b) melon c) maize

6. тыква а) potato b) pumpkin c) tomato

7. яблоко а) date b) cabbage c) apple

8. абрикос а) melon b) peach c) apricot

9. инжир а) cauliflower b) fig c) grape

10. лимон а) lettuce b) lemon c) peach

Задание 9. Подберите русские эквиваленты к английским словам на тему: «Общественное питание»:
1. Additives а) консерванты б) добавки с) красители

2. appetizer а) закуска б) аппетит с) добавки

3. baking sheet а) бумага для запекания б) духовка с) противень

4. bay leaf а) лист для запекания б) лавровый лист с) лист с дерева

5. batter а) сливочное масло б) жидкое тесто с) дрожжевое тесто

6. beverage а) краситель б) напиток с) морс

7. cabbage head а) капуста б) кабачок с) кочан капусты

8. cheese spread а) сливочный сыр б) плавленый сыр с) маргарин

9. cook shop а) закусочная б) бар с) магазин продуктов

10. dried eggs а) яйца вкрутую б) яичный порошок с) глазунья

Видео:Английский на кухне. Самые нужные английские слова о еде.Скачать

Английский на кухне. Самые нужные английские слова о еде.

Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям: работники кухни, украшать зеленью, поручить приготовить соус для десерта, очень опытный повар, планировать меню, в форме звездочек, ценный опыт.

Видео:Тема 11: английские слова на тему KITCHEN - Кухня 📕Английский словарь для по темам начинающихСкачать

Тема 11: английские слова на тему KITCHEN - Кухня 📕Английский словарь для по темам начинающих


Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям работники кухни

Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям работники кухни

Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям работники кухни

ошибка состоит в следующем: из (х — 2а)^2 = х^2 ошибочно сделан вывод, что х — 2а = х. т.е. (х — 2а)^2 = х^2 => х — 2а = х.

на самом деле должно быть (х — 2а)^2 = х^2 => х — 2а = х (1) или х — 2а = -х (2)

(1) даст нам единственное решение а = 0 (отсюда и х = 0), а (2) — решение х = а.

вариант (1) не подходит по условию, т.к. а должно быть отлично от 0.

следовательно, единственным решением будет х = а, где а — не равно 0. это совпадает с нашим исходным предположением, и никакого противоречия здесь нет.

Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям работники кухни

Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям работники кухни

другая сторона прямоугольника равна 6/3=3, т.к. противоположные стороны прямоугольника параллельны и равны

Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям работники кухни

Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям работники кухни

в выпуклом n-угольнике сумма внутренних углов 180(n-2)

каждый из внешних углов будет 360 минус соответствующий внутренний угол. значит все внешние углы будут: 360n — 180(n-2)

180(n-2)/(360n — 180(n-2)) = 9/4

посмотрим, может ли иметь место такое уравнение. если получится ответ, значит такой многоугольник существует, если нет — нет.

(180n — 360)/(180n + 360) = 9/4

4*(180n — 360) = 9*(180n + 360)

4*180n — 4*360 = 9*180n + 9*360

n — количество углов. углов не может быть -26/5 штук : )

📹 Видео



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