Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Видео:Решаем вместе 10 задание ЕГЭ (правописание приставок)Скачать

Решаем вместе 10 задание ЕГЭ  (правописание приставок)

Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям?

Английский язык | 10 — 11 классы

Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям.

Various ethnic food, traditional home — cooked food, different kinds of cereal, wheat cream, with croutons and dressing, mashed potatoes, the main ingredient, food in cans, cream soup, less bread, physical wellbeing, a well — banalnced diet.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Различные национальные продукты питания, традиционные блюда домашнего приготовления, различные виды зерновых, манная каша, с гренками и соусом, картофельное пюре, основной ингредиент, продукты питания в банках, крем — суп, меньше хлеба, физическое благополучие, хорошо сбалансированная диета.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Видео:Решаем вместе 19 задание ЕГЭ (сложноподчинённые предложения)Скачать

Решаем вместе 19 задание ЕГЭ  (сложноподчинённые предложения)

Из данного текста нужно составить пересказ своими словами?

Из данного текста нужно составить пересказ своими словами!

The main dishes of the traditional menu are blini (pancakes) with honey, caviar or sour cream, different soups(like shchi and borshch), pirozhki, pelmyeni (boiled pastry with meat filling) served with mustard, butter, vinegar or sour cream.

Russian people eat brown bread with nearly every meal.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Видео:Вернуться ИЗ или С Москвы? #сотка #русскийязык #11класс #егэ #100балловСкачать

Вернуться ИЗ или С Москвы? #сотка #русскийязык #11класс #егэ #100баллов

Помогите прочитать?

What’s your favourite food, Nanny?

Well, my favourite food is pizza!

My favourite food is ice cream!

What’s your favourite food, Lulu?

My favourite food is.

Happy birthday to you.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Видео:Правописание приставок ПРЕ и ПРИ | Русский язык ЕГЭ 2023 | УмскулСкачать

Правописание приставок ПРЕ и ПРИ | Русский язык ЕГЭ 2023 | Умскул

John visited several shops and bought some food?

John visited several shops and bought some food.

Write where he bought these things.

A loaf of bread

плиз, очень срочно!

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Видео:№ 799 Russian idiom: soul - sapping; to exhaust / ВЫМОТАТЬ ДУШУ / фразеологизмы русского языкаСкачать

№ 799 Russian idiom: soul - sapping; to exhaust / ВЫМОТАТЬ ДУШУ / фразеологизмы русского языка

Можно переводgrowing own food is less expensive?

growing own food is less expensive.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Видео:Решаем вместе 11 задание ЕГЭ (правописание суффиксов)Скачать

Решаем вместе 11 задание ЕГЭ (правописание суффиксов)

Помогите пожалуйста с переводом ?

Помогите пожалуйста с переводом ?

Were they wear national costumes?

What food were the children eating?

Was anyone eating traditional Russian food.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Видео:рн#12. ЛОЖИТЬ вместо КЛАСТЬ? Слово древнее (⩾1000 лет), а гнать на него начали не так уж и давноСкачать

рн#12. ЛОЖИТЬ вместо КЛАСТЬ? Слово древнее (⩾1000 лет), а гнать на него начали не так уж и давно

Label the different kinds of fast foodпереведите плиз?

Label the different kinds of fast food

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Видео:Задание 11 Слова-трансгендеры | Русский язык ЕГЭСкачать

Задание 11 Слова-трансгендеры | Русский язык ЕГЭ

Переведите Пожалуйста?

How Do the Americans Eat?

There are various ethnic food, health food, fast food and traditional home — cooked food in the USA.

Mexican food is the favourite of many Americans, but they love spaghetti, pizza and other types of Italian food.

Chinese food has been Popular with them for years.

Now they often prefer fast food like hamburgers, hot dogs and French fries.

Many years the American people liked traditional big breakfast and £t of meat and potatoes.

Usually they eat three times a day.

, . For breakfast they have first juice, particularly orange one, then different kinds of cereal : cornflakes, oatmeal, cream of wheat and others or eggs (fried or hard — boiled), tea or coffee.

Lunch is a quick meal for the most Americans.

For lunch they have food : pizza, potato chips, McDonalds’s food, sandwiches, hot dog , hot corn, any kind of sweet gas water, fruit and salads.

There are many fast — food restaurants all over the country where people can have lunch during their short lunch break.

When the American people talk about lunch, they usually say : «Let’s grab a sandwich!

How about a bite to eat?

» At lunchtime most Americans eat on the run, so fast food is very popular.

For dinner they always have salad with different kinds of vegetables mixed with croutons and dressing.

After salad they like to eat fried chicken, steaks, ribs, beef, fish, baked, fried and mashed potatoes.

Maybe the Americans have more time for dinner, but they don’t often have enough time for grocery shopping, cooking and washing dishes.

Often instead of asking, «What’s for dinner?

» they ask : «Where are we going for dinner?

» The Americans have never eaten herring and seldom soup.

But if they want any soup, they eat puree or cream soup.

During any meal they drink different kinds of gas water or Coca — Cola.

Lettuce is the main ingredient of salads.

The American people like ice cream, cookies, cakes, candies very much, they also use 8—10 glasses of water a day.

In common the Americans eat much, particularly at weekends.

They go outside and very popular food is barbecue and food in cans.

They also eat hot dogs, hot corn and less bread.

60 per cent of the Americans (children and adults) are overweight.

And nowadays the American people begin to think seriously about their physical wellbeing.

So health food becomes more popular.

It doesn’t contain chemicals and preservatives.

Health food is fresh and natural.

American doctors recommend to eat a well — balanced diet daily.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Видео:Старые Русские пословицы и поговорки, Которых Многие не Помнят полностьюСкачать

Старые Русские пословицы и поговорки, Которых Многие не Помнят полностью

III. Supply the articles if they are necessary?

III. Supply the articles if they are necessary.

_________(1) term «fish fingers» is ___________(2) Britishdescription of a food known by many other names in_________(3) other parts of the world.

Americans typically call the food «fish sticks».

Different kinds of fish can be used to make fish fingers.

One of the main varieties is cod ; this white fish is often_________(4) main ingredient in__________(5) food.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Видео:Душное задание №10. Приставки | Русский язык ЕГЭ | Оксана КудлайСкачать

Душное задание №10. Приставки | Русский язык ЕГЭ | Оксана Кудлай

III. Supply the articles if they are necessary?

III. Supply the articles if they are necessary.

_________(1) term «fish fingers» is ___________(2) Britishdescription of a food known by many other names in_________(3) other parts of the world.

Americans typically call the food «fish sticks».

Different kinds of fish can be used to make fish fingers.

One of the main varieties is cod ; this white fish is often_________(4) main ingredient in__________(5) food.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Видео:Решаем вместе 18 задание ЕГЭ (вводные слова и обращения)Скачать

Решаем вместе 18 задание ЕГЭ  (вводные слова и обращения)

What things can you describe with the adjectives?

What things can you describe with the adjectives?

# food # people # the weather

food — tasty, delicious.

На этой странице сайта размещен вопрос Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям? из категории Английский язык с правильным ответом на него. Уровень сложности вопроса соответствует знаниям учеников 10 — 11 классов. Здесь же находятся ответы по заданному поиску, которые вы найдете с помощью автоматической системы. Одновременно с ответом на ваш вопрос показаны другие, похожие варианты по заданной теме. На этой странице можно обсудить все варианты ответов с другими пользователями сайта и получить от них наиболее полную подсказку.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

1) 270 : 3 = 90 (тг) — стоит ручка 2) 90 : 25 = 3, 6 (тг) — стоит тетрадь Ответ : 3, 6 тенге стоит тетрадь.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

1 manufactures 2 competition 3 producer 4 competitors 5 employ 6 products 7 manufacturer 8 employer.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Карен и её семья жили здесь долгое время. Они переехали в этот район семь лет назад. Мистер Ливн не преподавал этой школе в 1999 году. Он начал преподавать здесь шесть лет назад. Галя посетила Францию и Англию в прошлом году. Она ещё не была в И..

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Паст Симпл — I put on my coat and I left the house . Then it started to rain Паст континиюс — Mum and dad were cooking , my brother was playing , and I was doing my homework.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Т. к как я знаю то вот держи. 1) с P. Cont. — I was making a cake. 2) тоже с P. Cont / — A cake was being made. 3) С P. S — I played golf yesterday. И 4) She didn`t work last week. Надеюсь хоть чем то я тебе помогла.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

10Hour 30min 12Hour 15min.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Тут сказано о том что кто — то выйграл.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

Эти предложения верные или ложные? Исправьте ложные предложения. 1) Родители Себа были на (здесь ты написал неверно, не doat, а boat) лодке с ним. 2) Малена была в стеклянной клетке на протяжении недели. 3) 6. 069 скорпионов жили здесь с ней. 4..

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

— — — — — — — — — — 1 f — — — — — — — — — — 2 e 3 a 4 c 5 d 6 b.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked

6. Is she watching. 7. . does he like. 8. . didn’t ride. 9. Shall (will) you go. 10. . Work. 11. Did he come. 12. . Isn’t helping. 13. don’t drink 14. . did you go. 15. . Counts .

Видео:Решаем вместе 10 задание ЕГЭ (правописание приставок)Скачать

Решаем вместе 10 задание ЕГЭ (правописание приставок)

Home baked bread: перевод, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, транскрипция

Видео:Задание 6 | Сложные случаи (заменить слово) | ЕГЭ по русскому языку с твоей русичкойСкачать

Задание 6 | Сложные случаи (заменить слово) | ЕГЭ по русскому языку с твоей русичкой

Произношение и транскрипция

Видео:ЗАВТРА ПРОБНИК? ЧТО ПОВТОРИТЬ? | Русский язык 2023 | УмскулСкачать

ЗАВТРА ПРОБНИК? ЧТО ПОВТОРИТЬ? | Русский язык 2023 | Умскул

Перевод по словам

Видео:Решаем вместе 8 задание ЕГЭ (поиск грамматических ошибок)Скачать

Решаем вместе 8 задание ЕГЭ (поиск грамматических ошибок)

Предложения с «home baked bread»

Then you have home-baked sourdough bread.Еще другие: запах домашнего хлеба с подправками.

Проверьте свой словарный запас английского языка обожаемый

  • beauty
  • adorable
  • exotic
  • graduate
  • noticing


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Видео:Правописание Ы и И после приставок | Александр ДолгихСкачать

Правописание Ы и И после приставок | Александр Долгих

Exercise 11. Translate into Russian.

Lesson One. At the Supermarket

There are many kinds of shops.You can go shopping to small food stores: the grocery store, liquorstore, store of dairy products, butcher’s, bakery, greengrocer’s, fishmonger’s, confectionery, candy store.But many of us prefer to shop in large stores — supermarkets. Supermarketssell more than just food. Many sell items for the car, household goods,cosmetics and cigarettes. Some even sell books, medicines and flowers.

When you come into the supermarket, you take a food basket or a shopping cart. People buy here different foodstuff such as meat, fish, milk,grocery, baked items, sweets, cooked sausages, smoked foods, vegetables and fruit.In the meat aisle the customers can buy beef, pork, mutton, veal,poultry and game.There is always a rich choice of fish there: live carp, pike, bream andsheat fish. There is much fresh-frozen fish: perch, cod, plaice and someother like pike-perch and sturgeon. There is herring, kipper and muchtinned fish too.

In the grocery aisle you can see all kinds of cereals: oatmeal, semolina, rice, buckwheat, millet, pearl barley. You can buy cooking soda,spices, flour, pea, potato flour, salt, oil, macaroni, vermicelli, noodles and some other products.

You go to the dairy counter to buy milk products. There is always awide choice of them: milk in bottles and packets, cream, kefir, sourcream, cheese, curds, cottage cheese, cream cheese, many kinds ofyogurt, mayonnaise, margarine and butter.

At the bread counter you take loaves of brown (rye) or white (wheat)bread, rusks, rolls and buns.There is a big choice of items in the confectionery: sugar, granulatedsugar, caramel, sweets, chocolates, bars of chocolate, biscuits, pastry,jam puffs, fancy cakes, tarts, fruit cakes, wafers, marmalade and alsotea, coffee, cocoa.

Next to it is the delicatessen counter (deli) which offers you allkinds of sausages: boiled, half-smoked and smoked, liver paste, ham,lean boiled pork with spices (buzhenina), tinned beef and pork.

The green grocery and fruit aisles look very attracting. Here you canbuy fresh, tinned and dried vegetables, fruit and greens. Juicy pears,apples, plums, grapes, oranges, tangerines, bananas, lemons andpineapples are sold in every season. In spring and summer the shop hasa great variety of berries: strawberries, cherries, raspberries, black andred currants, gooseberries. In autumn and winter — red bilberries andcranberries and all year round you can have fruit and berry jams.

After all, you come up to the cashier’s desk to pay the money. Sometimes there are a lot of customers inthe shop and you get in line, but most often it doesn’t takemuch time.

If you are a smart shopper, you compare prices, pick out foodstuffs,always look at the date on the labels of perishable foods, check thechange and look for bargains. As the English say, “A penny saved is apenny earned.”

Словарь к тексту

liquorstoreвинный магазин butcher’s мясной магазин

dairyproducts молочные продуктыbakery булочная

greengrocer’s овощной магазин fishmonger’s рыбный магазин

item изделие, предмет, товарcustomer покупатель

householdgoods хозяйственные товары

foodbasket корзина для продуктов

shoppingcart тележка для покупок

foodstuffs продукты питанияsmokedкопченый

aisle ряд (в универсаме)

beef говядинаpork свининаmutton баранинаvealтелятина

poultry птицаgame дичь

carp карпpike щукаbream лещsheat fish сом

perchокуньcod трескаplaice камбалаpike-perch судак

sturgeon осетрherring сельдьkipper копченаярыба (особ. сельдь)

buckwheatгречневаякрупаmillet просо, пшено

pearl barley перловаякрупаflour мука

macaroniмакароныvermicelli вермишельnoodle лапша

sour cream сметанаcurd(s) творог

ryeржанойwheat пшеничныйrusk сухарь

rollбулочкаbun булочка (особ. сладкая)

biscuit печеньеpastry выпечкаpuff слойка

fancycake пирожноеwafer вафля

marmalade цитрусовый джем

leanпостный (о мясе)

tolookattracting выглядеть привлекательно

to get in line вставатьвочередь

smart shopper разборчивыйпокупатель

to pick out выбирать

to look for bargains следитьзаскидкаминацены


Exercise 1. Прочитайте по ролям и переведите:

Mother’s Helper

Mother: There is little flour left. Will you go to the grocer’s and buya bag of flour and some sugar, please?

Daughter: Shall I also buy a packet of tea?

Mother: Could you buy two and a packet of buckwheat?

Daughter: What about salt?

Mother: There is a lot. But we haven’t got any rice.

Daughter: All right, Mum. I am off.

Mother: Don’t forget the money and the shopping bag.

Going Shopping

Elder sister: Look, Kate. We haven’t got any milk. Go to the dairyshop and buy a packet of milk.Younger sister: Anything else?

Elder sister: Get half a kilo of hard cheese and a kilo of curds.

Younger sister: Do we need bread?

Elder sister: Sure. On your way back drop in to the bakery and buya loaf of brown bread and a long loaf of white.

Younger sister: How about buns?

Elder sister: Yes. Buy buns and biscuits for tea.

At the Greengrocer’s

Greengrocer: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?

Ann: I want a large cabbage, please, and a kilo of carrots.

Greengrocer: Yes, madam. Anything else?

Ann: How much are those oranges? I don’t see a price ticketthere.

Greengrocer: They are 30 roubles a kilo.

Ann: Well, two kilos and a kilo of those apples.

Greengrocer: The peaches are very good today.

Ann: The peaches do look good. What do they cost?

Greengrocer: Forty roubles a kilo.

Ann: That’s a real bargain. I’ll take a kilo.

Greengrocer: Okay. Now, what else?

Ann: Nothing else, thank you. That’s all for today. How much do Iowe you?

Greengrocer: That’s 120 roubles. Here’s your change from your fivehundred note — 380 roubles.

Ann: Thank you. Goodbye.

Greengrocer: Goodbye. Thank you. Have a nice day.

At the Supermarket

Nick: I have to go to the shop. My mother’s made a shopping list forme.

Bob: Let’s go together. I’ll buy something for dinner, too.

Nick: I have to buy some meat. Look, they’ve got excellent choice today. I need some beef and a chicken. The beef is of superiorquality.

Bob: Maybe. But I don’t care for meat. I am a vegetarian, you know.

Nick: And I can’t do without meat. I’ll take this bit of shoulder anda boiling chicken.

Bob: What’s next on your shopping list?

Nick: Two packets of milk and half a kilo of cheese.

Bob: I’ll buy some cartons of yogurt and cream there. I’m fond ofdairy products.Exercise2.

A. Составьте диалоги между продавцом и покупателем в различных продуктовых магазинах или отделах супермаркета, используя следующие фразы:

— What can I do for you?

— What can I get for you?

— We’ve got … today.

— I advise you to buy ….

— Will this do? (Этоподойдет?)

— Come here, please.

— Come at the cashier’s desk,

— Here is your check.

— Here is your change.

— That’s … pounds … pence.

— That’s … roubles … kopecks.

— Thank you. Have a nice day.

— Are/Is there any… on sale?

— What does/do … cost?

— That’s all for the moment.

— Please, weigh [wei] … for me.

— What do I owe you?

— What do I have to pay?

— How much is the bill?

— How much does it come to?

— Shall I pay you or at the

— That will be all.

B. Переведите на английский язык диалог:

— Что я могу сделать для вас?

— Мне, пожалуйста, 300 г сливочного масла и бутылку растительного.

— Хорошо. Что-нибудь еще?

— Да. Сколько стоит ветчина?— 150 рублей килограмм.

— Взвесьте мне 200 г, пожалуйста.

— А эта копченая колбаса очень жирная?

— Тогда это все. Сколько с меня?

— Вот чек. Оплатите в кассе, пожалуйста.Exercise3. Переведите предложения на русский язык и составьте с ними короткие диалоги:

1. How much are the oranges? 2. How much is a bag of potatoes?3. How many kilos are there in the bag? 4. Four kilos of potatoes at10 roubles a kilo. 5. Two packets of milk at 15 roubles a packet. 6. The totalbill is 85 roubles. 7. What is the price of it? 8. How much does it cost?

9. Where is the price list?

It is (not) expensive.

It is (not) cheap.

It is a fair/reasonable price.

That’s a bargain.

It’s worth all it costs.

It costs nothing.

I can’t afford it.

Это разумная цена.

Это очень дешево.

Это ничего не стоит.

Я не могу себе этого позволить.

Exercise 5 *. Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям:

home-baked bread, smoked pork, a huge variety of food, fresh black-eyed beans, a lot of slithering silver fish, self-respecting cook, slightlygamy flavour, depending on where it is made, before being smoked,one of the mobile baking stands, honey soaked doughnuts in syrup.


Exercise 1. Разделите слова на четыре группы:

a) Meat, Fish, Fruit, Vegetable

Beef, carp, apple, marrow, banana, plum, plaice, onion, veal,cod, lemon, mushroom, mango, pike, radish, pear, ruff, pork, bream,mutton, bean, carrot, date, raisin, mullet, potato, grape, lamb, sprat,cucumber, trout, tomato, pea, fig.

б) Bakery, Dairy, Berry, Cereal

Cherry, cheese, jam, bun, barley, puff, bilberry, milk, semolina,bread, cowberry, dumpling, cream, biscuit, butter, gooseberry, cookie, millet, strawberry, curd, jam puff, oatmeal, cranberry, pot cheese,roll, hamburger.

Exercise2. Заполните пропуски словами из рамки:

a tube of, a packet of, a loaf of, baker’s, a box of,

a bar of, grocer’s,chocolate

Mum: Kate, will you go to the _______ (1)?

Kate: OK, Mum. What should I buy?

Mum: I think, we need _________ (2) bread and two buns.

Kate: And I want _________ (3) chocolate.

Mum: All right, you can buy some _________ (4) and drop in to

the ______(5) and get _______ (6) of flour, _______ (7) sugar and

________ (8) mustard.

Kate: Very well. I’m ready.

Exercise3. Напишите, в каком магазине (или отделе) можно купить следующиепродукты:

baker’s, fishmonger’s, grocer’s, greengrocer’s,

butcher’s, fruiter’s,confectioner’s, dairy shop

1. fish, crab________________________

2. pork, veal________________________

3. potatoes, cabbage________________________

4. butter, cheese________________________5. a loaf of bread, cakes________________________

6. apples, bananas________________________

7. rice, buckwheat________________________

8. chocolate, caramel________________________


Exercise 1. Поставьте существительные во множественное число, обращая внимание на согласование артикля или местоимения:

the plane, a picture, the man, this woman, that girl, a dress, thelife, the mouse, that city, a box, the sheep, this child, the tooth, afoot, this shelf, the bus, a bench, a baby.

Exercise 2. Напишите предложения во множественном числе:

this is — these arethat is — those areit is — they are

1. This is a girl. 2. That is not a mouse. 3. Is he an officer? 4. That is nota goose. 5. Is that a sofa? 6. This is not a bus. 7. That is a bookshelf. 8. Is thiswoman a teacher? 9. Is the window closed? 10. This is not a child. 11. Isthis a businessman? 12. It isn’t a deer. 13. It is a bad egg. 14. Is this toothgood? 15. That child is a pupil. 16. He is a doctor. 17. This fish is big. 18. It

is an ox. 19. That is a box. 20. It is an Englishman.

Exercise 3. Поставьте существительные в притяжательный падеж или используйте конструкцию с of:

Образец:the name/the man — the man’s name; the room/the door — the door of the room

1. the tail/the cat 6. the name/your sister2. the camera/my friend 7. the car/his parents

3. the son/Ann8. the birthday/my mother

4. the newspaper/today 9. the end/the story

5. the toys/the children 10. the streets/the town

Exercise 4. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на предлоги:

1. We eat soup with a spoon. 2. I usually wait for my friend at the busstop. 3. She asks her friends for help. 4. He tries to explain the situationto you. 6. My mother likes to listen to music. 7. Do you know thebeginning of the story?

Exercise 5. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в PresentSimple:

1. He (to drink) coffee in the morning. 2. I (not to drink) coffee in theevening. 3. They (to like) dairy products. 4. We (not to like) meat dishes.5. My mother (to go) shopping on Sundays. 6. She (not to do) her homework.7. Mike usually (to have lunch) at 12 o’clock. 8. You (to cook) well? 9. Wealways (to eat) healthy food? 10. She (to do) shopping every day?

Exercise 6. Напишите предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме:

1. I like to cook. 2. We go to the restaurant at 9 o’clock. 3. My sistermakes good coffee. 4. Pete has dinner with his friends. 5. Theyworkeveryday. 6. Shewashesupaftersupper.

Exercise 7. Задайте к предложениям общие вопросы и дайте краткие ответы:

Образец:1. Jane finishes her work at 6 o’clock.

Does Jane finish her work at 6 o’clock? — Yes, she does.

2. They don’t work every day. — Do they work every day? — No, they don’t.

1. I usually have breakfast at 8 o’clock. 2. She doesn’t like to cook. 3. Annstudies at college. 4. Pete gets up early in the morning. 5. Bob has supper atthe restaurant. 6. They usually have dinner at home. 7. Mother makesbreakfast for all the family. 8. They don’t go to work early in the morning.

Exercise 8. Задайте к каждому предложению вопросы:

1. Mother cooks chicken soup for dinner. 2. I like vegetables. 3. Theygo shopping in the afternoon. 4. He buys a new car. 5. The children eat icecream for dessert.

Exercise 9.Вставьтеглагол to be в Present Simple:

1. I … a student. 2. … you a vegetarian? — No, I … not. 3. Where …he? — He … at work. 4. They … at home. 5. … this your bag? — Yes,it …. 6. The students … at college. 7. She … not a teacher, she … adoctor. 8. Where … the books? — They … on the table. 9. … yoursister at home? — No, she … at school. 10. We … not happy. Wehaven’t passed the exam.

There is a book in my bag. — There are (some) books in my bag.

There is a book in my bag. —Is there a book in my bag?

Are there (any) books in my bag?

1. There is a plate on the table. 2. There is an apple on the plate. 3. Thereis an armchair in the room. 4. There is an interesting film on TV tonight.5. There is a man in the restaurant hall. 6. There is a pie for lunch.

Exercise 11. Translate into Russian.

1. Bill is a good cook. 2. The forks are on the table. 3. Your mothercooks well. 4. Tom doesn’t go to work every day. 5. There are so manypeople in the shop. 6. These students speak English well. 7. She has a largefamily. 8. The restaurant is small. 9. We have lunch at 12. 10. He doesn’teat much. 11. They don’t buy products at this supermarket. 12. She is notboring. 13.Those pancakes are tasty. 14. There are no shops in this street.15. You have got a car. 16.Your parents like to eat out. 17. There is noteacher in the classroom. 18. She always does her homework well. 19. Theydon’tworktogether. 20. To know everything is to know nothing. 21. Everybody’s business isnobody’s business. 22. Can you see anything? — Nothing at all. 23. Shenever gives anything to anybody. 24. Somewhere someone is crying. 25. Shehas nowhere to live. 26. I can’t remember anything. 27. Nothing new underthe sun. 28. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 29. It isnever too late to learn. 30. They must be somewhere near hear. 31. She hasn’t got anybody to talk to. 32. They never go anywhere in the evening. 33. He never reads anything except newspapers. 34. Can you smellanything? — Yes, something burning.


Заполните пропуски словами из рамки (используйте каждое слово одинраз):

bargains, buy, ones, prices, are, offer, money, line, there,supermarkets, spend, different

Americans love to shop. If they shop for small items like coffee andtea or big ___ (1) like furniture, they ___ (2) a lot of time and ___ (3)in different stores. Many of them are smart shoppers, they compare___ (4), check the sales and look for ___ (5). As they say, “a penny

saved is a penny earned.”In the USA you can do shopping at many ___ (6) places.Food is more expensive at the convenience stores, they are open 24hours a day and you can shop there quickly. Usually you make yourpurchase without having to wait in ___ (7). Many people do theirweekly shopping at the large ___ (8) near their home.Supermarkets ___ (9) a wide variety of goods and services. You canget food, flowers, cosmetics, autosupplies, household items and evenstamps ___ (10).The oriental markets contain foodstuffs and delicacies that are unavailable at the supermarkets.Some people buy most of the groceries at the oriental markets. Youcan get Vietnamese, Korean and other specialties there.Some Americans often ___ (11) fruit at the farmers markets. Farmersbring their fresh fruit and vegetables to this open-air markets several timesa week. The prices ___ (12) fairly reasonable and the produce is fresh.

Подбери русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям home baked


Shopping in Britain

1. You are welcome to the stores and shops, but the managers askyou to abide by the normal British rules and regulations.

2. Shopping is not necessarily the same as in your native country andyour home town — if you have any doubt, ask the sales staff to assistyou.

3. Where baskets are provided, please, use them, do not put anyitem in your bag or pocket until you have paid for it.

4. Do not mishandle any of the goods on display, do not handleperishable goods (fruit, etc.) or fragile items, unless you have permission to do so.

5. No alcoholic drink may be bought anywhere by persons under theage of 18.

6. Always keep the receipt that you receive.

7*. Do not congregate in groups in such a way that you restrict the freepassage of other shoppers, or interfere in any way with the sales staff.

📸 Видео

Заимствования в русском языке – зло?Скачать

Заимствования в русском языке – зло?

Решаем вместе 11 задание ЕГЭ (правописание суффиксов)Скачать

Решаем вместе 11 задание ЕГЭ  (правописание суффиксов)

Грядёт реформа русского языка!!Скачать

Грядёт реформа русского языка!!

НЕ и НИ. Ловушки задания №13 ЕГЭ по русскому языку | Русский язык с Тамарой ЛаринойСкачать

НЕ и НИ. Ловушки задания №13 ЕГЭ по русскому языку | Русский язык с Тамарой Лариной
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